A postcard from my little veg garden. I’m picking lots from the garden right now as you can see from the picture of Saturday’s pickin’s. Everything is doing well except the peppers. It’s been cool these last few days, so we’ll see what that does to the garden. I’m not sure when I’ll have time for a longer letter, but I will make time because I want to share with you and everyone in the Dear Friend and Gardener Virtual Garden Club my secrets for growing vegetables.
Take Care,
That's a ton of food. yum!
Very Nice, Yum.
Hope you were careful standing on that chair to take this picture 🙂
It is a bodacious bunch of veggies!
Outstanding Carol. Some of my peppers were flowering but not all…been cool here too!
Delicious, and beautiful! Funny, I always struggle with peppers, but this year they are doing better during our cool summer. Go figure!