Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for March 2019.
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, winter looks like it might possibly be in the rear-view mirror.
And up ahead… blooms!
My back lawn is dotted now with crocuses, too many to count! The display, as always, starts with a pale lavender crocus, then a few white ones show up, then these dark pinkish-purple ones bloom.
On sunny days, the crocuses open up wide to attract bees to their pollen. On rainy days and really cold days, they close up and look like colorful matchsticks.

It’s difficult to get a good picture to show what the lawn actually looks like with all the crocuses. A friend suggested I find someone with a drone camera to hover above the garden. Instead, I crouched down and tried to show what it looks like to the critters.

These are all species crocuses, varieties of Crocus tommasianus, which some people call “tommies”.
But I am not just a “lawn-crocus” kind of gardener. I plant crocuses in flower beds too.

These purple crocuses have been coming up in this border for at least a dozen years so I’d say they are reliable returners, as long as the squirrels and chipmunks don’t dig them up.
Other blooms here at May Dreams Gardens in mid-March include the witchhazels, which were blooming in February, winter aconites, and snowdrops.

Plus irises!
As is customary, the beautiful ‘Lady Beatrix Stanley’ variety of Iris reticulata, is leading the parade of iris blooms.

There will be many more irises blooming in the next few weeks now that Lady Beatrix has stepped up to be first again.

What’s blooming in your garden as we stand on the edge of spring 2019? It’s easy to join in for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day and show us. Just post on your blog about the blooms in your garden and then leave a comment below to tell us what you have and a link in the Mr. Linky widget to tell us how to get to your blog.
And always remember,
We can have flowers nearly every month of the year. ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
Happy BloomDay Carol , from out here on the Left Coast.
Love all your crocus Carol! Happy Bloom Day from the northeast. Come see what’s finally blooming!
I love the lawn crocuses!
Your crocus in your lawn are looking beautiful, mine have all been flattened by our gales!
I adore Crocus tommasinianus – the bees do too! The Crocus have finished here, and I am already missing them, so it's a delight to see yours. Thank you for hosting GBBD.
Enjoyed your crocuses! Our crocus leaves aren't even up yet although some daffodil tips are above ground. But I have two Lenten Roses with buds on them. Happy GBBD and thank you again for hosting.
Your crocuses and iris are lovely–open and closed. The early spring blooms lighten the heart! Thanks for hosting, I'm glad to participate again!
In Zone 5 Vermont, all we have blooming is mud!!
We have the same blooms – happy GBBD from Washington state.
We're finally warming up too and everyone is very excited that spring is finally showing winter the door. I love your lawn crocus and other early blooming bulbs, the beginning of the floral parade that is spring!
I love the mass of Crocus. It looks like you've turned the corner and you're now running toward Spring. The season is well underway here in coastal Southern California. As always, thanks for hosting, Carol!
I like the critter view of the crocus best of all!
Wow ! love to see crocuses ,I have planted a few bulbs for first time as its rare availability in our region hoping best for its bloom in this spring,Iris and snowdrops are just amazing.
Happy Bloggers day …hope have a an early spring .
Flowers are the very thing we want to see these days. Thank you for sharing your first flowers in bloom and making the site available to other garden bloggers too!
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You have so many beautiful flowers already in bloom. I know it's been a hard winter for you up there. We had 21 degrees last week. Luckily, there are bulbs and perennials that can tough it out to put on a show for Bloom Day! Here's what's blooming in my garden. (Mr. Linky didn't work for me today.)
I have not a single crocus, so I love to see yours. Out here in Portland, OR, things are finally warming up to seasonally-appropriate temperatures, and the garden is responding happily. Happy Bloom Day!
Crocus are one of my favorite spring things. No, probably my favorite, as they are the first flowers to bloom at all!
I've never seen them in a lawn.
Mine are mostly mixed, and I think a few must be "Tommys," they look the same.
Gorgeous blooms!! Nothing here yet, we are in zone 5a. I have tons of seeds started already though….I'm dreaming of spring! The temps were warm the last two days, so some of the snow is melting, yayyyy!! Can't wait until the ground is clear so I can get out and start the spring cleanup!
Hi Carol, I'm so happy to be moving on to Springtime flowers. Winter has it's virtues but i'm done with them this year. — John
Happy Bloom Day, Carol! My first of 2019 — back in the saddle again.
– Kathy
Carol, so lovely to see some spring bulbs! Our drought has been horrendous this fall and winter, and I have had ZERO spring bulbs come up. Frustrating. But, some staples are beginning to wake up now. Thank goodness. Happy Spring!
It's lovely to see your crocuses, Carol. I hope to see them in my garden a month from now.
The final day of our thaw coincided with Bloom Day, and many flowers made their debut. Some people would be surprised how many flowers a cold climate gardener can have blooming when there's still snow on the ground. I count five different kinds!
Hey Carol, Happy Bloom Day. It's beautiful to see the Lady Beatrix Stanley.