Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for September 2020.
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana we stopped getting rain around mid-August and the garden is dry as dust. And that is making it look a little (a lot) rough around the edges.
Still, I found some blooms and plenty of them. Plus I am pleased to have spotted lots of bees and butterflies too. They are going quickly from bloom to flower to flower to bloom getting all the nectar they can before our first frost which could be as soon as a month from now, if not sooner.
This month, I uploaded the pics in random order. Above is a variegated lily turf, probably Liriope muscari because it doesn’t spread aggressively like Liriope spicata. I’ve lost the tag, as usual, so don’t know which variety it is.
I’ve grown it for years and it is pretty low maintenance and blooms late. Plus it isn’t difficult to dig up and divide if you want to spread it around a bit.
I know I featured zinnias last month but they are still going strong so here they are again.

Yes, that is a six-foot tall privacy fence so you can see they are having a great year. They don’t mind the dryness at all.
My goldenrod, Solidago shortii ‘Solar Cascade’ is blooming now too.

I have to be honest and say it is half as nice as it should be. A bunch of it has died back and I’m not sure if it is this prolonged dry spell or something else. I hope it is just the dry spell. If you are interested, Dee and I talk about goldenrod and other fall blooming plants in this week’s episode of our podcast, The Gardenangelists.
I took a picture of these snapdragons because I planted them way back in March and they are still doing well and blooming nicely in September. That’s good mileage out of an annual flower.

They would be even nicer if I kept them deadheaded.
We expect asters to be blooming in September, and there they are, just beginning to open up.

They’ll be in full bloom in another week or so.

Give it some shade and let it self sow and eventually, you’ll have some to share with others.

There are lots of bees on it.

I do see lots of pollinators on the tall sedum.

I have these in a couple of places and will leave them standing through winter. It’s another good perennial to dig up and divide and share with others.

I think your asters are just a little ahead of mine, Carol. Happy Blooms Day!
Beautiful blossoms,I wish I could grow Dog Flowers in this season but had to wait till spring,It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening here at http://jaipurgardening.blogspot.com/2020/09/peacock-flower-beauty.html
Happy Bloom Day Carol! I cannot believe that it is the end of summer already, but you still have a wonderful assortment of blooms in your garden. Your Limelight Hydrangea is gorgeous!
Happy Bloom Day and thank you for hosting as always! Hardy begonia? May not be hardy in my zone 5b garden, but maybe I should check into. As for the mystery zinnia, I've seen Queen Red Lime and I don't think it's that but it reminds me that I do want to grow the lime variety next year – it was my best performer. I love zinnias. They do so well in our community garden. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com.
Sorry to hear thing are still dry as dust where you are. We had the same here on the east coast, until about two weeks ago, and we have begun to catch up on rain. Great to see the colchicums at your place… mine are yet to arise. And the fall asters are just starting here also – a real favourite of mine.
I'm so impressed you grew snapdragons during the summer! Nice blooms in your garden despite the dry weather. Thanks for hosting!
None of my annuals from seed did well this year. The morning glories did fine, but they were self-seeded, so I can't take credit. I've never been able to grow snapdragons successfully from seed. I hope my autumn crocus hasn't bloomed already! I can't get out in the garden to see (air quality is hazardous), and it has such a short time frame for flowering I don't want to miss it.
It has been a hard year in the garden. There have been some good rainfalls in our corner of Massachusetts BUT most of them turned their nose up at Greenfield and carefully walked right around us. Not nice! We had to wait more than a month before a new shipment of drip hoses arrived – and we bought all three! I guess we weren't very nice either. Even so, we did get some energetic flowers and are very grateful.
I'm exceptionally impressed with your snapdragons, which last a nanosecond in my own garden even under cooler spring conditions, and the Hydrangea is fabulous. My garden is also dry as dust but then that's normal for us as rain is only seasonal here, and a short season at that.
Those Zinnia!!! Wow. Dry and very smoky here…
It's so true that weather challenges make a lot of difference in the garden. At Plant Exchange blog, we have removed most of the annuals due to their condition at the end of a hot, dry summer and the deer deterent wore off! Luckily, there are so many plants that grow themselves! I do appreciate the challenge to look for what's in bloom and what's changing around us each month. I always see more than I had guessed would be the case. Thank you for the chance to share the plants!
Lots of pretties in your garden. Love that goldenrod, the yellow is stunning! And the hydrangea. NO way I could ever grow those, so I'm always thrilled to see them in a garden! Thanks for hosting!
Love those asters and the zinnias! I have no asters yet, and not a lot that is blooming in any case. Tough times here on the west coast with fires and smoke.
I'm impressed with all your flowers in spite of having it so dry, especially your hydrangea!Our asters have been flowering for a while now, a real autumn flower.
I don't have plumbago and know I should. I was just given a tray of colchicums to plant. I don't know if they will bloom this year. Happy Bloom Day! P.x
Hi Carol, Lovely to see the Limelight. That's a real winner for us as well. — jw
oh, I love your Hydrangea Limelight, what a sight! and your zinnias. I tried but mine rot away, just too wet here in my garden, so I enjoy them via your pictures 🙂
Your asters have started blooming! I'm hoping to see a bloom next week.
This seems to be the month my garden catches up with yours, with many of the same flowers blooming.
A really nice collection of flowers
Best regards