This week, Dee Nash and I published our 100th Gardenangelists podcast episode.
That’s a nice milestone, don’t you think?
Through those 100 episodes, we’ve learned quite a bit and hopefully shared some nice tidbits about gardening.
We learned along the way that publishing a podcast isn’t quite as easy as writing a blog post and hitting “publish” when you are done writing and have given it a once over. It takes a bit of time to sync up our two MP3 files, edit out the pauses and background noises, add intro music and exit music, compile some show notes, etc.
But neither of us is complaining. We enjoy doing it and hope the fun we have talking with each other about “flowers, veggies and all the best dirt” comes across in each episode.
Along the way, we added an “on the bookshelf” segment which gives us an opportunity to talk about both new and old gardening books we enjoy, and we just added a “garden commission” which gives us the opportunity to challenge each other to get something done in or around the garden.
I’m glad for the garden commission because sometimes that’s just the push I need to do something I should have done but was not doing, like bringing in houseplants before it got too cold at night. I just beat the first dip into the high 40s by a night. Whew. Close call but the houseplants are fine.
I’ve been thinking about getting some more houseplants, though I have quite a few. But I read they might be in short supply this fall and winter because apparently after tackling vegetable gardening, people stuck at home because of you-know-what are deciding it might be nice to have some houseplants. So now I think I should get some more, just in case.
(Plus, we all know from the run on toilet paper earlier this year that telling consumers there is a shortage of something is a sure way to sell out the current supply!)
By the way, if you tried vegetable gardening for the first time this summer, you might have learned that there is a bit more to it than shoving some plants in the ground and waiting for tomatoes to pop out and are ready to give it up. At least that’s what an article Dee read reported. We talk about that in the next podcast episode due out next week, our 101st.
Gardening isn’t a one-season event for true gardeners. It is a year-round endeavor and continues for years. It becomes the framework for the year as one flower after the next blooms in its season, as one task after another is completed by the gardener. This reminds me that in addition to houseplants, it seems that fall mums are also selling out quickly. I’ve got my mums and mums for the neighborhood entrance so I’m set. But if you still need yours, why are you sitting here reading this?
Go forth and get your mums!
Then listen to The Gardenangelists podcast while you are planting them out and otherwise preparing for fall.
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