Garden fairies here!
We are garden fairies and we are pleased to share that our big January surprise project worked!
No, our big January surprise project was not to make these snowdrops bloom, though they are lovely and if you look closely at the picture you’ll see there are four nice sized bunches of them drifting through the flower bed.
Drifting! Now there’s a word we don’t think some AI whatever could write about flowers.
Our big January surprise project is actually these crocuses that we got to bloom in the back lawn in January!

Let us repeat.
We got some crocuses to bloom in the back lawn in January.
January 28th, to be exact.
And not just one or two crocuses, which is how it usually starts in February, but several groupings of them.

Of course, getting them to bloom was quite the trick. But everyone pitched in! Many hands make light work or many garden fairies make many blooms!
Seedy and Soddy, Hortensia and Honoria, Violet, Sweetpea, even Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly… everyone pitched in.
But how could we get Carol to come out and see them?
We credit Deema Mae Flowerweaver with the idea to make the snowdrops bloom first because we knew she’d see them from inside and then come out to take a picture of them, which she did, and then Seedy and Soddy made a bit of noise which caused her to turn around and see our big surprise.
Which in case you haven’t figured it out yet, was/is crocuses blooming in January.
We could go on and on about how we made this happen but we don’t share such secrets on the internet.
Instead, we’ll leave you one last picture to show that we really did outdo ourselves.
Crocuses in January!

Written by:
Violet GreenPea Maydreams, Chief Scribe and Head Historian at May Dreams Gardens.
Today has also been a busy day for us. We’ve been going around closing up all the crocuses because it isn’t as sunny as yesterday and cold weather is coming. “Protect the pollen!” is our rallying call for this coming week!

We are garden fairies!
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