Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for October 2022.
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden, we’ve had two light touches of frost last weekend, and the forecast for the next ten days, last I looked, promised a couple of mornings with temperatures dipping below freezing.
And it is suddenly quite dry.
But there are still blooms!
First up are the tall sedums which on hindsight isn’t the best way to start a blog post about what’s blooming because those blooms are done. They are browner than that picture shows, taken in early morning light. They’ll stay standing all winter to remind us of what once was.
But there are real, actual blooms too.
Let’s walk around and have a look, shall we?

And that’s it!
What’s blooming in your garden on Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. Show us! Post on your blog about the blooms in your garden, then come back here and leave a link and a comment.
And remember…
“We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” – Elizabeth Lawrence
Fall is definitely here in all its glory. Love your Zinnias, Asters and of course the Violas! Happy Bloom Day Carol!
Interesting that you’ve had light frosts and we haven’t, in our part of New York, had one yet. I enjoyed all your flowers. You are ending the growing season in fine style. And, you reminded me that I didn’t post a picture of my asters – oh well!
Asters are very dependable Fall bloomers. Yours are very pretty!
Zinnias and Marigolds are favorites of mine, but I don’t have any blooming now.
Thanks for hosting Bloom Day!
Nicotiana! I need to grow some of the dark smoky brown ones and the green ones next year, thanks for the reminder. Have you ever tried to cut them for a vase? I am wondering how they hold up. Thanks for hosting Carol!
Beautiful! I have Autumn Joy, alyssum, perennial bachelor buttons, cosmos, and my mum’s are just beginning.
Thanks for hosting, Carol. I’m already missing the rampant asters I pulled out last year but then they’re (sneakily) attempting a comeback…I love the Sedum too, it’s one succulent that doesn’t seem to like SoCal’s climate.
I missed a few Bloom Day months this year – but I am baaa-aack right in time for spooky Halloween time.
Looking at your Nicotiana I am recalling that I had planted a 6-pack of them too, but they seemed to have disappeared. Ah well, next year…
Totally agree that zinnias are a must-grow annual. I don’t grow a lot of annuals, but they are so cheerful, dependable, and colourful. Also agree on asters in the fall garden, especially here in New England.
You have a lot of stuff still blooming despite that freeze. ~~Dee
Nicotiana is one of my favorites for easy maintenance, beauty, and saving seeds. Brenda in South Dakota
Thanks for hosting Carol,
Lots of pretty fall colour still blooming in your garden. I have Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ just sprouting out here (Australian spring)
I also love zinnias, but feel like the dahlias have shown them up this year in my garden or maybe it’s just cause the dahlias are a new addiction for me. Though the pollinators would not agree.
I love your fall blooms. I planted asters in late summer and hope to see them bloom next fall if the deer will give them a chance to grow.
Hi Carol, sorry to hear frost is on the horizon. I would like Fall to last forever…
Carol, It’s nice to see so many flowers in October. I especially enjoyed seeing your asters, since I have almost none of those in my own garden this year (thanks to my garden being a bit too “wildlife friendly”). Thanks again for hosting.
What a nice garden for this time of the year. I love that Viola odorata “Rosina’ . By it’s neme, I imagine it has a pleasant fragrance when up close.
My post has been delayed this month for GBBD, but better late than never . Our weather has been quite unpredictable with rains lasting till start of October and autumn onset delayed therefore, your blooms are lovely. Thanks for hosting wonderful meme.