You might be a blogging gardening geek if…
You consider your digital camera an essential gardening tool because while you are out in the garden, you just might see something that cries out to be shared on your blog. After all, that zinnia is so pretty and it only exists for a moment in time in just that light. Bonus points if you have more than one digital camera.
You mark your calendar with various days for special posts such as Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, Foliage Follow up, Wildflower Wednesday, Garden Bloggers’ Muse Day, etc. Bonus points if you are the originator of one of these garden bloggers’ memes.
When your friends see some garden-y thing somewhere, they tell you about it and suggest that you blog about it. Bonus points if you have done just that.
You’ve gotten on an airplane or driven to the big city to join up for a garden bloggers’ get together. Bonus points if you’ve been to all three U.S. events so far: Austin in 2008, Chicago in 2009, and Buffalo in 2010. Double bonus points if you’ve organized one of these events. Triple quadruple bonus points if you’ve traveled from the United States to England to meet garden bloggers there. (Then subtract those triple quadruple bonus points plus one because we are all green-eyed with envy, Gail and Frances!)
You’ve made hortonnections through garden blogging that you would have never made otherwise. Bonus points if one of those connections with other garden bloggers resulted in a song about your garden by the singing garden blogger, Annie in Austin.
You are one shy of 1,500 posts on your blog and are writing a list about why you might be a blogging gardening geek, even though you’ve written 20 other posts about why you might be a gardening geek. For that 1,500th post, you are considering if it should be a guest post by the garden fairies, a dialogue with Dr. Hortfreud, or maybe answers to gardening questions from Hortense Hoelove.
Or maybe it should be a meeting of The Society or SGAFO or something more useful like a review of a new hoe? Or maybe I should come up with something about gardening to embrace? Or maybe it should be just the regular weekly update letter on the garden to Dee in Oklahoma and Mary Ann in Idaho and gardening friends everywhere?
Yes, you might be a blogging gardening geek. I know I am.
Next up, garden blog post number 1,500…
Heather at Dusty Bay says
Congrats! Post #1500 – wow! I think you're a great gardening geek – keep on goin'!
Helen Yoest @ Gardening With™ says
OK, I'm a garden geek and proud of it!
Kathy says
You know you're a gardening geek if you read posts about gardening geeks just to see how much of a gardening geek you really are. Bonus points if you really add up all your bonus points when you read the gardening geek posts!
Jim/ArtofGardening says
Oh crap, I'm a gardening geek. It's a harsh reality, my wife has seen it coming for a long time. The organizing of a blogger meet-up and attendance to two of them hits hard. Fortunately, my friends aren't blog readers, so my "other life" is safely hidden from them. I'm off to garden now… with my camera. I know you'll all keep this to yourselves.
Nicole says
Congrats and thanks for another fun post!
Sweet Home and Garden Carolina says
Guilty on all counts. Do I need a visit with Dr.Hort?
Linda/patchwork says
Uh, oh. I guess I'm a gardening geek. I've sort of known that, a while.
I never thought I'd be a garden BLOGGER geek, though. I confess…I am. But, it's fun and educational. You can 'meet' such interesting people. It expands my horizons.
Actually, I've been expanding horizontally for some time now. But, we won't go into that.
Frances says
Sigh, 1500, it just seems nearly unbelievable, dear Blogging Garden Geek, aka BGG. But we do believe it, now. HA Can't wait to see what you come up with.
There for a moment I thought Gail and I had risen to the top 'o the heap in points, only to be sent to the back 'o the class! Thanks for the linkage! 🙂
Lisa at Greenbow says
Oh yes, Garden Geeking right along with my belt holding my Felcos on one hip and my camera on the other. Always ready to cut up or shoot em up. Wow 1500 posts. That sounds unsurmountable.
Joyce says
Oh What Fun you are!!! Ou, Ou My hand is raised high. I never thought about blogging this way. But you are so right. My camera goes where I go so I don't miss a bloom. And then I blog about it hoping someone besides myself might like the post. So many possibilities. I'm a Garden Geek and proud of it, how about that. Great post.
Annie in Austin says
What an enormous amount of gardening/blogging geekiness you have there, Carol… 1500 posts is amazing. Bet that doesn't even count the years of your genealogy posts at Grandma's Diary, another of your wonderful accomplishments.
My points don't add up to much – even if I add in the Divas of the Dirt posts to try to boost the numbers.
Thanks for linking to the May Dreams Garden song video. It was a pleasure to make it for you!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Heather's Garden says
I've graduated to a full-fleged gardening geek — when did that happen? Somewhere in my 366 posts I guess.
David says
Wow! And to think I left behind my plant collecting addictions only to replace these with the harmless creation of a garden blog! I'm already noticing that I leave my camera in my pocket when I garden. I guess it's already begun. Looks like I'm in great company. Congrats on #1,500.
David (Tropical Texana)
Vickie says
Somewhat of a gardening geek, I reckon. I now post a Blooms on Sunday on what is normally my book review blog. I scope out my flowerbeds and veggie garden to see what I should come back to view with my digital camera.
Mr. McGregor's Daughter says
Guilty as charged. The camera is an essential gardening tool, as I use it to keep track of bulbs planted and where I need more. I can't wait to see what you come up with for that special post.
Elizabeth Barrow says
I'm afraid I'm guilty too! Probably terminal!
Thanks for the fun post and congratulations on your upcoming 1500th!
Unknown says
I've been a gardening geek for years. But not quite a year as a gardening blogging geek, but I can see all the signs. Congratulations
Pam/Digging says
Since I'm in such excellent company, I don't mind one bit. Congrats on the 1,500th post, Carol.
Gail says
Yes, I admit to being a gardening geek and loved racking up those points! Congrats on reaching a fantastic posting milestone…and thanks for the links! You rock! gail