Over on Instagram, I’ll be interviewed live by Sean and Allison of Spoken Garden on Wednesday, December 6 at 1:00 pm Eastern time, technology permitting.
I say “technology permitting” because we tried to go live in October but the technology said, “No, not today.”
Technology can be like that.
But we can’t complain too much about technology because my goodness, look at all this technology that allows me to type up something and then hit “publish” and —whoosh—it goes out onto the Internet to live forever, and for some of you it ends up in your email inbox.
To watch the live interview, you will first need to follow SpokenGarden on Instagram.
Then be on Instagram when we go live, and you should see the interview in your stories.
I think.
Sean and Allison also have a YouTube channel that features all kinds of helpful gardening information. Lately, they’ve been going live on Saturdays on YouTube to talk about gardening. And they wrote a book a few years ago, The First-Time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers: All the know-how you need to plant and tend outdoor areas using eco-friendly methods.
Dee and I reviewed their book on our podcast but I’m not sure which episode. (Okay, I figured it out. Season 3, Episode 25, April 28, 2021, “Our Love of Gardening Can’t Be Contained.”)
Sean and Allison also invented one of the best little dibblers I’ve ever used, the Little Dibby and the Dibby XL, which I think are 3D printed. You can buy them from their Etsy shop.
Here’s a picture of mine being used by me to prick out lavender seedlings.

If you know a bunch of gardeners, or even one gardener, and you are looking for stocking stuffers for them, I’d get them one of these dibblers. Or get them two, one in each size. They come in an assortment of colors, but naturally, I got the green one.
Anyway, if you don’t follow Sean and Allison somewhere, I’m kind of surprised. You should definitely follow them on Instagram so you can watch me live tomorrow.
(Yes, I will sweep the room to be sure no garden fairies are lingering around, as they cannot be trusted on a live IG feed. And yes I could have put that period after “trusted,” but garden fairies are also mischievous and one should stay on their good size as much as possible.)
“See you tomorrow!”
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