Garden fairies here.
We are garden fairies and we are here to report that Carol, who insists everyone should plant their peas on St. Patrick’s Day, planted her peas on March 8th.
That is not St. Patrick’s Day.
We saw her do it. Here is how it went down. It was a warm summer’s eve… wait, it wasn’t summer, it was late winter, but it was warm… low 70’s, we think.
We garden fairies were relaxing in the garden after spending hours opening up all kinds of flowers… irises, crocuses, snowdrops, daffodils, even a little species tulip. We’ve never been so busy in March like this.
Anyway, the back door suddenly flew open and out bounced Carol with a look in her eye and a spring her step. We garden fairies took cover and watched as she nearly ran out to the veg garden.
Next thing you know, Granny Gus McGarden came running up out of the veg garden all excited like and told all us how Carol sowed peas.
Wow. That’s all we could say. Wow.
And then we all wondered why she didn’t sow seeds for lettuce, radishes, spinach and why she didn’t plant out the onion sets.
We are garden fairies. We sure hope she comes back soon, after all the rain is gone that is, and sows seeds for those, too. We bet she does.
In the meantime, Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly gave us all a lecture about how we planted some crocuses in a circle, which he said would draw attention to the fact that garden fairies abound in this garden.

We blame the younger in-experienced garden fairies.
Submitted by:
Viola Greenpea Maydreams, Chief scribe for the Garden Fairies and Keeper of All Garden Fairy Secrets
A most excellent introduction of our early spring weather, Carol! I, too, am planting peas today, in anticipation for tomorrow, the first predicted decent chance of rain for us this year.
You poor garden fairies. Nothing like being brought out of your winter retirement early. The blooms and warm weather are all worth it. I hope Carol's peas grow and grow.
Thanks for the update, Viola. I've been thinking of Carol these last few days and wondering if she was planting peas yet.
I am glad you were excited and not upset…Carol is probably just happy winter is coming to an end.
Precious Garden Fairies, thanks for all the work you do opening the flowers. Your cousins in Oklahoma have sure been busy. Glad Carol did the peas early. ~~Dee
That Carol loves to keep us all guessing … garden fairies and fellow gardeners alike! Who knows what she'll do next!
Here in upstate New York, we fairies also report a certain spouse of blogger RamblinwithAM planted lettuce in an Earthbox this week. Considering that their crocuses didn't bloom last year until April 23, that is quite a gamble. But this has been quite a winter. We fairies wish you both luck.
This will probably be a similar garden year at our house. Let's just call it, The Year We Planted Our Cool Season Crops in March Instead of April. But since hubby built all new raised beds in the fall, and we didn't get a chance to fill them with soil at that time, we are already behind the 8 ball. I'm pretty sure that we need soil before we can plant the seeds early. Just saying…
You might want to keep an eye on those thieving squirrels. Whenever a bulb ends up in a different location, you can be sure it's squirrels behind the mischief.