Would it be the Christmas shopping season if there wasn’t at least one item on your list that evades you, that sends you on a great quest to find it?
It would not be.
In fact, it’s almost a requirement that there be something elusive on your Christmas shopping list to make it a complete list.
Now, I will admit/gloat that most of my Christmas shopping is done, and the gifts are ready to be wrapped and have been for almost a week!
Even my “best Christmas gift ever” that I’m giving to all my siblings, nieces, and nephews turned out better than I ever expected. I will post about it after Christmas!
So in the spirit of the shopping season I need to put something on my Christmas shopping list that is hard to find, that evades me, so I can have a quest!
I know! I’ll go on a quest to find a blooming Christmas Rose, Helleborus niger.
To find it, I will have to go to garden centers, florists, floral departments, and maybe venture out to the fancy grocery stores on the other side of town! Who knows where I’ll end up and what I’ll buy along the way? Probably a cyclamen or two. They are hard to resist with their red flowers and pretty leaves. (See the picture of one above from a previous Christmas season with a lovely book next to it. Product placement!)
I do like a good quest that takes me plant shopping too.
The only thing that would make my quest/adventure even better is if I needed to go into a bookstore or two to look for a blooming Christmas rose.
Wait! What is that whisper I hear? A bookstore might have a plant or two for sale. Really? I’m not sure about that, but there’s only one way to find out. I will also go to a bookstore or two and report back.
In the meantime, if you decide to join me on this quest to find a blooming Christmas Rose for yourself or to give as a gift, report back if you find one!
I’m envious you are done with shopping, except your Christmas Rose quest. I have purchased one gift, not like me at all!