There are many who are thankful here at May Dreams Gardens…
These pansies are thankful I remembered to water them. They are still sort of blooming in the front window box.
The rabbits are thankful that I am a poor trapper at best. I’ve also inadvertently created a few places for them to hide out for the winter. I’m sure they’ll find some tender branches to nibble on to let me know they are still around, in spite of our truce from earlier this spring.
The birds are thankful that I finally filled both bird feeders again and put out some suet cakes. I had to repair one of the feeders and remove a paper wasp nest from the other one after neglecting them late in the summer. But I’ve taken care of all of that now, and Chez May Dreams Gardens is open for winter business, serving the finest Black Oil Sunflower Seed to be found, once the birds finish off the cheap stuff I bought for summer time feeding.
The plants in the front are thankful that I found a mulch I liked and covered their roots with a nice, thick layer of it before the winter. The plants in the back will just have to tough it out through another winter, like they did last year. I’ll be thankful and appreciative if they do and promise to not fall behind in my mulching ever again. Really.
The raccoons are thankful, or ought to be, that I never caught them after they destroyed my sweet corn earlier this summer. I haven’t seen any evidence of them for several months, so I’m cautiously hopeful and thankful that they’ve moved on!
I’m thankful for another good year in the garden, with weather that was generally wonderful, except for August when it dried up on me and November 8th, when the temperature suddenly dropped, with no recovery so far back to “normal” temperatures.
I’m thankful for a good harvest, for the most part.
I’m also thankful for the opportunity this past spring to meet several of my favorite garden bloggers in person in Austin, and for the many people who come by my blog and leave nice, affirming comments.
And I’m always thankful for good health, a loving family, good friends, a great job, and the general good fortune that comes from being a gardener.
God Bless, and Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Hi Carol and Happy thanksgiving to you too.
Here are some lovely words I read in Marions blog. Reflections trough the season.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. ~Melody Beattie
Love Tyra
Carol, I am thankful that you share your garden so freely with us (me) throughout the year. I am thankful for every time you made me laugh, for every one of your helpful tips, and for all the lovely photos.
Thank you Carol, for every one of your posts this year. Happy Thanksgiving. Best wishes Sylvia (England)
I’m thankful for my garden and the continued ability to work in it. I’ve also very thankful for the other garden bloggers I’ve found (many through your GBBD opportunities), that have reinspired me in my writing and my gardening.
Carol, I am thankful for all the garden bloggers who post about my favorite activity. It is so enjoyable reading what other people are doing in their gardens and getting inspired.
Always Growing
Happy Thanksgiving my dear. If there is one thing that I envy you all in the US (and Canada) it’s this wonderful celebration of all the good things in life. Appreciation comes with realisation of all that is good in your life.
Don’t eat too much turkey!
One of the most valuable crops we can cultivate as gardeners is gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving, Carol!
We did have a wonderful growing season & a great year. I'm also thankful that I got to go to Spring Fling & meet so many other warm, like-minded people. Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m grateful for you and your always entertaining blog, Carol. And for your taking a chance on Spring Fling and a bunch of eager Austin blogger-hosts.
Happy Thanksgiving! You’ve taken good stock of the many things in your garden for which you are grateful. It’s a thoughtful, good list and I know it comes from your heart. Enjoy.
I am grateful for so many blessings in my life…and especially discovering the world of garden blogging and all the lovely bloggers that are so willing to share. Happy Thanksgiving!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your family, Carol! 🙂
I hope that all was at peace at May Dreams on this Thanksgiving Day.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too Carol.
You have much to be thankful for, Carol. I’m thankful for you.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Right now I’m thankful that garden blog posts sit patiently and wait until I have time to read them!
This is a really sweet post, Carol – so grateful you came to Austin!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose