There comes a time every spring when we look around and say to Mother Nature, "Slow down, what's your hurry? Can we just relax for a week or two and enjoy this spring season?" Mother Nature …
In My Garden: ‘Variety Unknown’
Lately—and I'll just admit it up front—for many years, my favorite flowers in the garden share a cultivar name of 'Variety Unknown'. These are the first two reticulated irises that popped up a …
And so it begins, with crocuses
Yesterday, I headed out in the morning sunshine for a walk around the neighborhood and before I stepped off my driveway, I spotted the first little crocus in bloom. And so it begins. When I …
First Bloom!
Ding! I picked up my phone yesterday to see who the text was from and was delighted to see it was from the owner of the local greenhouse. She wanted me to see the first bloom on their …
Finally Frost Free?
Finally, I think we've seen our last frost until fall and are cleared for planting, at least here in central Indiana. Today, I took all the plants out of the back of the truck and put them on the …
The Garden Fairies May Need to Defend Themselves
How's it growing? My mesclun mix looks pretty good. I'm about ready to cut some of it to add to a salad of store-bought lettuce. Is that allowed? Mixing homegrown lettuce with store-bought lettuce? …
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