The first little daffodil opened up on Wednesday, the day after a big thunderstorm blew through here. I meant to pick this daffodil when it was a bud so it could slowly open up inside, but then I …
The Flowers of Mother’s Day
Walk the garden with me, and I'll show you the flowers of Mother's Day. Lily of the Valley We'll start with Lily of the Valley, Convallaria majalis. Some people consider it an invasive, …
Birds, Bunnies, Bees, and Blooms
A week or so ago, a bird was attempting to build a nest above the light next to the back door. Since she hadn't gotten too far along, I knocked down the bits and bobs of leaves and grasses and figured …
What a Gardener Can Do
We've reached that time of spring around here when we are not yet frost-free but a freeze could hurt a little bit. Especially if you are one of those gardeners who simply couldn't wait to plant out …
I'm not a big fan of daffodils. I can take 'em or leave 'em, as they say. "Really, Carol? Because it looks like you've been mostly taking them and now you have quite a few blooming around your …
Mother Nature Would Like to Remind You
Did you dream all winter about how lovely your garden was going to be this spring and summer? All the pretty flowers, the perfect vegetables, the song birds singing. I sure did. I always do! …
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