It was all so sudden after weeks of taking so long.I went from finding the first crocus buds last Saturday to having Crocus blooms pop up and actually open up all over the place today.It seemed almost …
APB for Missing Crocuses
This is an APB (All Points Bulletin) for Missing Crocuses.The crocuses have not been seen since last spring and are now past due in the garden.Generally just a few inches tall, they were last seen …
Watch Your Step: Early Signs of Spring
Ladies and gentleman, you are currently looking at the first tiny leaves of what is likely to be the first blooming crocus in my 2009 spring garden. However, it is not in the spot where the first …
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Happy Groundhog Day at May Dreams Gardens
It seems we gardeners share more than a passing interest in the meteorologists’ holiday, Groundhog Day. We all want spring to arrive sooner rather than later, and if we can predict when it will …
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Setting Up Day at May Dreams Gardens
More signs of spring were noted today. The serviceberries (Amelanchier sp.) are now blooming, joining the flowering pears which are also in full bloom.I think the serviceberry is a nice substitute for …
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Hurry Up Season Has Officially Begun
Peony buds... the first sign of the "hurry up season" for gardeners in Zone 5. Suddenly, it is warm outside and things are starting to move at a remarkedly quick pace. Now is the time to get going, …
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