Two Iris blooms walk into a bar... Dear Members of the Society for the Preservation and Propagation of Old-Time Gardening Wisdom, Lore, and Superstition (SPPOTGWLS or “the Society”), Members of the …
Random Garden-y Thoughts
Random garden-y thoughts... I was going to come up with a clever name for this warm, March-like February - something like "Marchuary" but that sounds too much like mortuary, which reminds me of death …
News Flash: Winter Teased Spring
Iris histrioides 'Katharine Hodgkin' teased into bloom. MAY DREAMS GARDENS, IN - Winter teased Spring again with sunshine and warm temperatures. In the aftermath, Spring allowed an iris, Iris …
Can you believe this frass?
Photo orig. from The Blogging Nurseryman Can you believe this frass? The Hoosier Gardener, perhaps knowing that I like to use the word frass as my own secret gardener's cuss word, sent me this …
Garden Pickers – The next great gardening show?
Is anyone else watching episodes of American Pickers on The History Channel? For those without cable or who haven’t tuned in, American Pickers features two guys, Mike and Frank, who travel around and …
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Round every flower there gleams a glory
"Round every flower there gleams a glory, Bequested by antique song or story; To each old legends give a name, And its peculiar charm proclaim." I will never think of dandelions in the same way now …
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