I heard a little voice in my head tell me that maybe I should experiment with other plants in my wheelbarrow planter before I committed some of the mini hostas to it. Frequent readers of my blog may …
I pledge to help new gardeners…
Every spring, new gardeners emerge from the dark tunnel of their world without gardening into the light of a world with gardening. These new gardeners can be a bit blinded by the brightness of …
Spending like a Hortefeller
Do you dread getting your credit card statements after the Christmas holidays? Ha! You should see my credit card statements after the month of May. By early June, those statements often look …
In a pomodoro, I can…
In a pomodoro, I can get a lot done in the garden. A pomodoro is 25 minutes, the unit of time used in a time management method known as the Pomodoro Technique. The idea is to plan to …
You Might Be A Gardening Geek: Car Edition
You might be a gardening geek in your car if: You know exactly how many bags of mulch will fit in your trunk and just how to arrange those bags so you can maximize all the space. You swore you would …
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Guest Post: Garden Fairies Discuss HUG Activities
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we want to discuss the HUG activity, the weeding, that has taken place this spring here at May Dreams Gardens. But first things first, we would like to …
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