Behold, the coneflower. Echinacea purpurea. Is there any better flower for a hot summer day? And by hot, we mean temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit day after day with nary a drop of …
Guest post: Requiem for a Redbud Tree
Garden Fairies here. We are garden fairies and we want to say absolutely we were not responsible for this tree falling. It had been leaning for a while and we knew it was not going to last forever, …
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Even experienced gardeners have their troubles
Even experienced gardeners have their troubles at times. Out in my vegetable garden, something has eaten all the leaves off the pole beans and edamame. My guess is it is rabbits doing the …
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Just an old watering can, and three wishes
I woke up the next morning and thought about my encounter with the wee garden fairy and her announcement that she could grant me three wishes. Was it a dream? I wasn't sure. I checked the watering …
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Just an old watering can
I thought it was just an old watering can, full of dust and cobwebs. But I liked the looks of it, the patina, and was happy to have a friend give it to me. I took it home and decided to at least wash …
June? Where are you, June?
June? Where are you June? Where are your pleasant days, your gentle rains? Why do you bring us hot, dry days and late summer flowers? June, this is not funny. Carol? Yes, Dr. Hortfreud? Why are …