"As I walked around my garden, I slowly began to realize that I had finally achieved my goal of a weed-free garden. I walked along the path I call Ridgewood Avenue, looking at the garden border …
Surprise Lilies and Surprise Announcements
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we have taken it upon ourselves to wipe out everything Carol just wrote about the surprise lilies, Lycoris squamigera, because it was all so …
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Bury the body in the garden
What lies in the ground beneath the flowers? How many murder mystery books have you read where the body is finally found buried in the garden? I've just embarked upon a summer reading obsession …
Garden fairies talk about gardening gloves
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are compelled, once again, to post on this blog. We seem to be so compelled always at the end of a weekend. Why is that? Well, we are garden …
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Professor Hortledore teaches her first gardening class
Good morning, class! Good morning, Professor Hortledore. Well, class, don't you all look spiffy and shiny and ready to learn. Today in gardening class we are going to discuss "what elements …
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Garden fairies discuss the lawn
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are once again compelled to post on this blog about what is happening here around May Dreams Gardens. Well, what is or was happening was that Carol …