The great Dr. Hortfreud has been studying gardeners, or at least one particular gardener, for years. She has observed that this gardener, and presumably many other gardeners, are prone to a …
Plant Manners
Seedlings come up in the darndest places We need to address the poor manners of some of the plants around this garden. I don't want to point trowels in any particular direction but I believe doing so …
We are a tiny bit behind…
We are a tiny bit behind here at May Dreams Gardens. There are houseplants shivering on the back patio. I hope they didn't mind temps in the high 40s, though I think I heard some talk amongst them. …
Garden fairies send out a search party
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are sending out a search party to find out where Carol is, has been, or will be, and why it is she has not posted on this blog for over a …
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A Garden Revival: A One Act Play
A Garden Revival A One Act Play By Carol M. Gardenangelist Cast of Characters Gardenangelist…………………………......An evangelist of gardening Garden Fairies………………………………Assorted Garden Fairies Granny …
Gardenangelist Defined
gardenangelist (gär dn ān′jəl ist) n 1. A person who loves gardening and tries to convince others to love it, too. 2. A spokesperson for the love of gardening. 3. Someone who donates …