"She saw me!" Chance Chipmunk was out of breath and soaking wet as his chipmunk friends and family gathered around to find out what happened. "She saw me! And then she turned the hose on me and …
The Laziest Gardener in the World, A Garden Fairy’s Tale
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are here to proclaim that Carol is the laziest gardener in the world. We have evidence! The other day, Granny 'Gus' McGarden came crying out of …
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Fortune Cookies For Gardeners
Fortune cookies for gardeners: "All your weeds are wildflowers." "Dig deep for the secret to happiness in your garden." "A well-pruned garden is the sign of a gardener with too much time." "All …
Garden Fairies Provide a Veg Garden Update
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we have decided enough is enough, it is time to provide an update on The Vegetable Garden Cathedral because apparently if we don't do it, no one (Carol) …
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I feel like a movie star!
You can also listen to this post: When I'm out in the garden, and especially when I'm mowing the lawn, I feel like a movie star. Sometimes, I channel Sally Field in "Places in the Heart" when …
Pop-up showers, it’s all in the roots of the beholder
I was feeling pleased with myself, even a little smug, about how well I was keeping up with the weeds in my garden. I thought for once I was in control of the situation and the weeds were sort …
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