Do your plants feel like nobody looks at them? Do they miss the sound of voices talking softly about how lovely their blooms are? Does your garden yearn for the soft footsteps of a plant-loving person …
Garden Fairies Regroup After Late April Snow Event
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we woke up on Wednesday morning, April 21, and this is what we saw. We garden fairies realized right away that this is not normal for April 21st. …
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New Terms for Gardens
If I say "garden", who knows what kind of garden comes to mind? Vegetable garden? Flower garden? Botanical garden? Community Garden? Wouldn't it be great if we had multiple words for "garden" to …
My Lego® Bonsai
I thought my Lego® days were about 50 years ago and the only Lego® sets I'd buy now would be those that showed up on a gift list from a great-niece or great-nephew. I was wrong. Behold my …
An Unusual Phenomenon Observed with Plastic Pots
I have observed an unusual phenomenon related to plastic pots. I have observed that after planting a few plastic pots of violas and pansies, the empty plastic pots replicate. The result is you …
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Gardening Motto Generator
Do you have a motto for your garden this year? Usually around the beginning of the calendar year, I see posts and videos from people who are adopting a motto to guide them through the year. A …