The old rabbit, Sixteen, sat by the garden gate, watching for her replacement to show up, a new rabbit named Seventeen. While she sat and waited, she surveyed her garden and thought back over the …
When a gardener collects vintage postcards
When a gardener collects vintage postcards, especially vintage Christmas postcards, she quickly realizes she needs to narrow down her choices for which postcards to collect, or she will soon be …
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Happy New Year, Sixteen!
Hellebores bloom for the new year. The old rabbit, Fifteen, took one more walk around the garden while she waited for Sixteen to arrive. She lingered a bit and admired all she had done through the …
Amaryllis, they barely know thee!
Amaryllis blooming I recently conducted an unscientific polling of 20 random individuals to find out who many know what an Amaryllis is. I showed them an actual Amaryllis and asked one question. …
Holiday Bulbs Giveaway
Amaryllis - picture courtesy of Longfield Gardens If you are the type of person who heads right to the buffet table as soon as you arrive at a party, here’s what’s on the table. The good folks at …
An Updated Gardener’s Guide to Thanksgiving Day Conversation
Yes, I am taking time from my busy schedule and long to do list, which includes "mow the lawn one last time" to pause and provide advice for gardeners who are wondering what they will talk about …
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