For those who read my last post, I'll share an update. I found my gardening knife. It was lying on the stone edge of one of the raised beds in the Vegetable Garden Cathedral. In plain sight. The …
Lost in the Garden
I recently finished a long session of weeding by losing my gardening knife. Some gardeners call these useful knives hori-hori knives, and they are quite useful for weeding, planting, and even …
Keeping Track of Plants
Tucked in a little triangle of ground between the house and a little path of pavers I made to get to the hose spigot, I found some ice plants, Delosperma, blooming the other day. I know I did not …
What a Gardener Can Do
We've reached that time of spring around here when we are not yet frost-free but a freeze could hurt a little bit. Especially if you are one of those gardeners who simply couldn't wait to plant out …
First Mowing and a Garden Visitor!
My thoughts wandered, as they often do when I am mowing the lawn, but they came into sharp focus just as I was mowing the last little section in the front. By the way, I generally wait as long as …
Mother Nature Would Like to Remind You
Did you dream all winter about how lovely your garden was going to be this spring and summer? All the pretty flowers, the perfect vegetables, the song birds singing. I sure did. I always do! …
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