One evening I was out in the garden and turned my head just as the fading light of the end of the day came through a hardy begonia leaf. I was happy to see it and to capture a photo of it. On …
Found in the Garden
For those who read my last post, I'll share an update. I found my gardening knife. It was lying on the stone edge of one of the raised beds in the Vegetable Garden Cathedral. In plain sight. The …
Lost in the Garden
I recently finished a long session of weeding by losing my gardening knife. Some gardeners call these useful knives hori-hori knives, and they are quite useful for weeding, planting, and even …
Keeping Track of Plants
Tucked in a little triangle of ground between the house and a little path of pavers I made to get to the hose spigot, I found some ice plants, Delosperma, blooming the other day. I know I did not …
What a Gardener Can Do
We've reached that time of spring around here when we are not yet frost-free but a freeze could hurt a little bit. Especially if you are one of those gardeners who simply couldn't wait to plant out …
First Mowing and a Garden Visitor!
My thoughts wandered, as they often do when I am mowing the lawn, but they came into sharp focus just as I was mowing the last little section in the front. By the way, I generally wait as long as …