I was cleaning up my desk yesterday—a great way to turn procrastination into a productive activity—and came across a list of potential topics for future blog posts. There at the top was "How to …
What is a floracrat?
I recently started reading Some Ancient Gentlemen: Being an Examination of Certain People, Plants and Gardens by Tyler Whittle (1966, Taplinger Publishing Co., Inc. ) Ah, the good ol' days of …
Got a case of the “I shoulds?”
'Tis the time of year when everyone seems to come down with a case of the "I shoulds." You might have a case of it now! How do you know if you have a case of the "I shoulds?" The classic …
Only Grow What You Know?
Is it good advice for gardeners to only grow the plants they know? Heavens, no. That's not good advice at all. It's good advice to tell gardeners to know the plants they are growing. …
An Hour a Day in the Garden
It was actually the garden fairies who posted in late August about my plan to spend an hour a day every day in my garden doing something—weeding, deadheading, mowing. I've just finished my 38th …
Move those rocks over there, and this edging over here…
This past week I've been moving edging blocks, stones, and rocks around the garden. But before I explain about all the rocks and edging I moved around, please gaze upon some of my nasturtiums. …
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