I received an unexpected card in the mail yesterday, with a little note and an old 3 cent gardening stamp enclosed. The sender found the stamp in her father's papers and immediately thought, "Carol …
A Rose, A Thorn, and A Bud
Time for another "rose, thorn, bud" post. A rose is something going well or nice. I'd say it is nice that some of the mums I've planted out in the garden have reliably returned each year as …
Rabbit, Rabbit, The Joy of the First Day of a Month
Did you remember to say "rabbit, rabbit" first thing this morning, another 1st day of the month? It's for good luck but if you didn't say it, I think you're going to be okay this month. At least …
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A Good Path…
A good path invites you into a garden for a closer look. At least that's my idea for this path which snakes through a larger garden bed. It allows you to get off the lawn and be closer to plants on …
Philosophical Pawpaw Ponderings
And once again, I am not going to taste a pawpaw fruit from my pawpaw trees this year. My two pawpaw trees, this one pictured and another one on the other side of the garden, didn't flower all …
Another Gardening Rule to Break!
"You should remove any flowers that form on coleus because you are growing it for its foliage and the flowers aren't all that attractive." Thus it is written, and thus you, fellow gardener, shall …