A few days ago, the crocuses were covered with about an inch of snow and winter was decidedly present in the garden. Today, the snow has mostly melted except in the coldest parts of the garden and …
Getting ready for… February!
Snowdrop bud I've heard some rumblings from a few people concerned about me getting bored as we begin to walk through that big valley of winter called February. No worries. I'm all set. Ready to go. …
The Garden Muddles
Yep, a flower blooms on Nov. 29th One would assume after nearly 20 years of gardening in this place I call collectively May Dreams Gardens that I would have named every garden bed and border. Don't …
The simple joy of digging and planting
Cornus kousa 'Summer Fun' I love digging in the garden. With each shovelful of dirt, I feel like I'm entering a secret world of bacteria and fungi and worms and other critters than live amongst the …
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Camellias and Conversation
Camellia 'Snow Flurry' I am convinced certain plants in my garden do all they can to avoid blooming on the 15th of the month when I host Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Perhaps they are shy? Don't like …
Echoes in the garden
Echo of color See the echo of color in the garden? The orange mums with yellow centers echo the colors in the sculpture behind them. If anyone asks I definitely planned for that to happen once the …