The conundrum was how to do enough clean up to make it look like someone regularly tends this garden without doing all the clean up so there would be something to clean up once they came. Such was my …
Get Ready for Spring
The goldenrods are just about ready to bloom which means it is time to get ready for spring. Get ready for spring, you ask? Thank you for asking. So often we think of late summer and fall as the …
Who’s in the garden?
It was that kind of gentle, quiet rustling that makes you think someone is trying to sneak up on you while you've got your head down in the squash plants trying to find those little hidden squashes …
What in the name of gardening…
What in the name of gardening is going on here? I left my garden for six days and apparently, the rain—the abundant, wet, wonderful rain—left, too. Upon my return I found a dry garden. I expected my …
When a gardener goes for a walk
I walked around my neighborhood today. I wanted to check out the petunias I planted at the entrance earlier in the spring—they are doing fine thanks for asking—and I decided the exercise would …
A Gardener’s Wardrobe
There was a time in my life when I had three sets of socks. I had socks to wear with slacks to work, socks to wear when not gardening, and socks to wear when gardening. The primary difference …