I feel obligated to tell the story of compost in my garden because too often new gardeners read about how to make compost and decide it is too complicated, too advanced for their level of …
Blooms for the Twelves Days of Christmas
I suppose it really does work out better if the blooms of the Christmas season reach their peak after the 25th of December. I will have more time to enjoy them while I relax after the …
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Garden fairies report on the book fairies
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we must tell you about what is going on here at May Dreams Gardens because these events have caused quite the stir amongst the garden book …
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Garden fairies urge patience
Improper way to store gardening books Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are posting on this blog to urge patience amongst the tree fairies and the book fairies who reside here at May …
Garden fairies take credit for autumn crocus blooms
Crocus speciosus Garden fairies here! It has been a long time since we posted anything but we are going to make it a short time by posting here now. We are quite excited about how we fooled Carol …
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Garden fairies explain green Ginkgo leaves
Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and we are not tattle tales but we feel that certain events here need to brought to the forefront so they can be explained. First and foremost at the …
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