It was Liberty Hyde Bailey who wrote in The Gardener (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1925), "Gardening is more than the growing of plants: it is the expression of desire." What do we desire from …
Shopping like it’s 1931
I ordered a special garden catalog a few weeks ago, one that would take me to a place and time I'd never been before - 1931. You can turn to any page in this catalog,"Dreer's Garden Book 1931", and …
How my high school English teacher made me a better gardener
"An endless amount of interest is gathered round the literary history of plants. I like to grow any plant that is mentioned by the old Greek and Latin writers - such as Theophrastus, Aristotle, …
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Tidbits, Treasures, and Thanks
A few tidbits and treasures suitable for a Thursday morning. I'd like to thank Mary Ann of Gardens of the Wild, Wild West for recommending that I obtain a copy of Grandmother's Garden: The …
“When does spring commence?”
I've been spending some time this morning with Canon Henry N. Ellacombe discovering his answer to the question "When does spring commence?" There are many wrong answers to this question, according to …
Finished Gardens and other mythical places
Winter interest in a garden not yet finished. A finished garden is a mythical place which does not exist. If you find such a garden, I guarantee you that there is no gardener there tending it. So …
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