Spring beauties! They have arrived in the garden this week.
Long-time readers might remember that two years ago, my sister and I dug up a bunch of spring beauties, Claytonia virginica ,from her neighbor’s backyard, where they had been growing wild since the 1960s and before.
I am thrilled to have them in my garden, especially knowing that they come from the place where I remember them from my childhood.
They are tiny white flowers that always signal “spring is here” to me and I’m sure many other gardeners.
Spring is here, so it’s time to get on with some garden cleanup and more seed sowing.
Today, I’ll sow seeds for lettuces, radishes, kales, and spinach directly in the garden. I’ll also prepare to sow seeds indoors for tomatoes and peppers.
Then it’s on to working on my presentation on Lost Ladies of Herbal and Garden Writing for the Herb Society of America. It’s on Zoom! Members can attend for free and non-members can attend for a modest $10. More info and a link to register is here. It’s on April 22nd.
If you’d like to here me talk about other Lost Ladies of Garden Writing, I was a guest on a new podcast, Plants Always Win, and they published the episode this week. Listen on any of the podcast apps or click on this link to go to the episode page.
I do love to see the results of my gardening efforts come alive in the spring. In addition to the spring beautifies, there are daffodils, hyacinths, squills, glory-of-the-snows, species tulips, corydalis, and other flowers blooming, including violets, that I’ve planted over the years, all coming up and blooming now.
Yes, violets! And we’ll allow no further discourse on whether or not they are a weed. Clearly, since I planted them, I do not consider them a weed.
Moving on, as it is nearly time for me to hit publish on this episode…
If you’d like to read about some old-time garden bloggers, like me, you can do so on the blog Digging by Pam Penick. She interviewed a bunch of us who are still plugging along with our blogs. Grab a cup of tea and click on that link to read all about us.
And, I just found out another interview I did just got published on the Garden Plot by Amy Brady.
Okay, enough about me. Let’s all go out and garden!
Thanks for reading to the end. Let me know if you register for the herb society talk, listened to me on that podcast, or read those articles.
(And don’t forget to subscribe to my weekly newsletter for more tidbits about gardening and other misc. topics.)
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