Dear Members of the Society for the Preservation and Propagation of Old-Time Gardening Wisdom, Lore, and Superstition (SPPOTGWLS or “the Society”),
Following is a recap of the recent annual Society Christmas party, a festive gathering for all who attended. I, your self-appointed president, took some minutes so that those who were not in attendance could note the jolly fun had by all and make it a point to not miss next year’s meeting.
After dispensing with the usual Society business, which included a recap of the last Society meeting, a motion was made, seconded and approved by general affirmation to elect me, your self-appointed president, as president for an unspecified period of time.
As a thank you for time already served as President, new member Joseph T. of Greensparrow Garden presented me with a very nice portrait he drew of me. It’s actually of Hortense Hoelove but you all know that’s me who writes those letters and answers, right? Right!
We then moved on to various discussions about the weather, a popular topic whenever gardeners gather.
Cindy from My Corner of Katy, which is way down in Texas that way, could not wait for everyone to see the snow in her garden! Then Kathy of Cold Climate Gardening reminded us all what real snowfall records are like. There’s nothing like snow to put everyone in a holiday frame of mind!
Keeping with the winter cold theme, Mr. McGregor’s Daughter promised to be sympathetic toward those in the south who are dealing with their own version of cold, even while she is dealing with hers. Then Dee of Red Dirt Rambling taught us all how to accept cold weather and other inconveniences with good grace and gratitude.
Brrr… all this talk of winter weather! To warm us up, all members of the Society were treated to some actual, useful gardening and holiday information. The Hoosier Gardener, Jo Ellen, provided us with some information on which holiday plants are poisonous. Then Mary Ann of Gardens of the Wild Wild West showed us a good way to provide support for amaryllis flowers.
After delicious refreshments, everyone gathered around for the final program, a presentation of A Gardener’s Christmas Ornaments, all 60 plus, presented by yours truly, your self-appointed president.
All past, present, and future members of The Society are encouraged to also present about their gardening-themed Christmas ornaments, as time permits during this busy, festive season of good will and good cheer.
At this point, your self-appointed president was going to conclude the meeting with another reading of The Christmas Cottontail, but mercifully we ran out of time. Then all gathered up their coats and headed out into the cold winter’s night with promises to return for the next Society meeting. The topic will be…
…decided at a later time by your self-appointed president.
Merry Christmas to all members of the Society!
Minutes submitted by
President, SPPOTGWLS
(For anyone counting, there are 64 ornaments in the video plus the stocking hanger. After taking the pictures, I realized I missed several ornaments, including a shovel, a rake, a trowel, a digging fork and oh, yes, another hoe.)
I thought you were president for life? Thanks for the link love. Your bunny ornament has inspired me to include 1 bunny ornament in a video of some of my ornaments. You have such great gardening ornaments. I especially like your watering cans.
Now I don't know anyone who has a whole tree of Christmas ornaments and those are clever. I think there are 5 on my tree.
I'll take photos of mine tomorrow Madame President. Thanks for the link love. I think I love your wheelbarrow ornaments the best. Merry almost Christmas my friend.~~Dee
A whole new vista of ornaments opens up before me…
That's a great tree Madame President!!
Looks like you're going to have a very Hoe-Hoe Christmas, Carol, and nice to see the Society is thriving. I've already confessed to having not-so-many garden-themed Christmas ornaments, so I shan't scandalize you with showing off my few. Maybe next year. I can't seem to find ones that I really like.
Wow! Now I did write about my christmas decor in 2 posts recently. I have brought the outside in this year, but sadly I have no, yes not 1, garden themed decoration on my tree. I do so hope that doesn't mean I an automatically excluded from 'the society', just view me as one eager to be taught.
Love your Christmas Cottontail story, I believe a children's book should be in the making.
Merry Christmas to one and all.
I have several garden ornaments. A couple are the same as yours. I noticed that several bunnies have invaded your christmas tree. The little rascals.
I have a few Carol~~But none of the ones you have. Love the blown glass ornaments. Happy Christmas. gail
It seems like you could find miniature gardening implements in craft stores & turn them into ornaments pretty easily. They don't seem to be very common on Amazon.
Madame President? There's a post waiting for your consideration over at bloomingwriter…;-)
Well, I don't usually click on those U-tube links, but I did click this time and it was totally worth it! I'm so impressed by your ornaments!
It was a most enjoyable meeting, Madame P, and I appreciate the consideration given to my snow event, paltry though it may be compared to those of my cohorts in more northerly climes.