Out in my garden, the Halloween Hare is busy preparing for Halloween night.
What do those preparations involve?
That’s covered in the book.
What does the Halloween Hare do on Halloween night?
Also covered in the book.
And how does the Halloween Hare relate to the Christmas Cottontail?
Say it with me, “That’s in the book.’
Signed copies of both the hardback and softcover editions are now available for purchase in my online store.
Quantities are limited because when you write a book around a holiday theme, there are only a few weeks in the year when people are interested in them. I know this from selling The Christmas Cottontail.
The next question people will ask is if they will get their signed copy of The Halloween Hare by Halloween. My answer is if you order the book by Sunday, October 23, I will make sure it is in the mail by Monday October 24 with a tracking number. From that point on, it will be up to the USPS to deliver it on time.
(Fine print: U.S. purchases only. My store site doesn’t allow payments from outside the United States. If you are in Canada, we can discuss options, but when I tell you how much shipping is, I’m guessing you’ll order from Amazon.)
Finally, what age is this book written for? I marked it suitable for ages 4 – 7, but of course, anyone with an imagination, age range up to 99, will also find it to be a sweet story.
And finally, finally… whether or not you buy the book, you better prepare your garden for the Halloween Hare’s visit on Halloween night! Don’t say I didn’t remind you if you don’t!
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