Do you know what’s great about the Garden Bloggers’ Flings?
Yes, the gardens are wonderful. I don’t know how the local committee in Austin talked their way into some of the fabulous gardens we saw, but I’m glad they did.
Yes, the people are great. Everyone who goes loves gardening! Can you imagine? No matter who you talked to you could talk about gardening and they wouldn’t get that glazed over look that you sometimes see when you talk about gardening to people who don’t garden.
But I was thinking of something else that was great.
The sponsors.
And one in particular. Hortus TV. Television for gardeners.
At the dinner/banquet, they had prizes from several sponsors to be given away. We each got 20 tickets and we could put them toward whatever prizes we were interested in. I made a beeline for the prize of a one-year subscription to Hortus TV and put most of my tickets toward it, and I won!
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
I get to watch Hortus TV, Television for gardeners, for an entire year for free.
Yes, all the programs are about gardening. Not a single show about flipping houses, or buying houses, or building houses. None of that nonsense.
All the shows are about gardening. Every single one.
It seems while everyone else was complaining about no gardening shows on television, the folks at Hortus TV were rounding up all the shows on gardening, many from Great Britain, and making them available to stream on-demand.
And because I like Hortus TV so much, I asked them for a discount code for all my friends and readers and because they are nice, like most people who love gardening, they gave me one.
Go to Hortus TV and sign up with discount code INDYGARDENER18 and you’ll get 25% off your monthly subscription, FOR LIFE. The code is good until July 31, 2018. So even procrastinators can take advantage of this offer. Win-win-win!
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