I got an email today with a weather update from a local television station. It included the “F” word. Yes, frost. (What did you think I meant?)
Anyway, I should not be surprised if we got some frost, as we are well within the range of “normal” to start having some light frosts, especially in low lying areas and away from “the city”. But the weather isn’t doing its part to prepare us. Do you think this could all happen gradually, a few degrees at a time?
No, apparently it can’t. The 1st three days of this week, temperatures peaked in the low 80’s each afternoon. Today, the temperature peaked in the high 50’s. By the weekend, they forecast that we will be back in the low 70’s. And tonight, some people will see light fronts.
As with many areas that have four seasons, getting through the transitional seasons of spring and fall around here can be quite a roller coaster ride. Temperatures and leaf changes are all over the place.
The Skyline Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Skycole’) pictured above clearly knows it is fall. It’s the first tree in my yard to change color and drop its leaves. When I look at it, I know it is autumn. The Red Maple (Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’) pictured below doesn’t seem to be changing at all. If you looked just at it, you might think it is still summer.
But even though this change of seasons has its ups and downs, and offers some of the most pleasant and beautiful days to enjoy outdoors, we clearly know where this is heading.
So, let’s just get on with it. I’m personally feeling a bit of guilt about neglecting the vegetable garden these past few weeks, and would not panic if a frost came and finished it off. Indeed, the frost would diminish my guilt feelings considerably. Then I could begin the fall clean up in earnest, turn my vegetable garden into a “clean slate” for next spring, and overall prepare for winter.
Im waiting too for the first frosts to strike and start reducing the flowers in the garden.It will happen sometime in October according to my gardening calender.Its already dipping the temperature, the leaves are slowly changing colour.And it has rained for a few days constantly.Autumn is here..