I was all set to fill up this post with picture after picture after picture of asters blooming in my garden.
But I can’t find the files on my computer. Maybe they are still just on the camera? Who knows?
Because I can’t find the pictures, I am sparing you, lovely readers, from having to scroll down through countless images that to you might all look the same but to me are part of a vast collection of pictures of some of the last blooms of the season in my garden.
Sniff. How can the growing season be over so soon?
But wait, we’ve not yet had a frost or the hint of a frost, so this season is not exactly over. Sure, it is practically over, but until we get that first frost, it isn’t really over, is it?
Really. Should it be over because the calendar says October? Or should it be over because by now we should have had a frost?
It’s a chicken and egg type of question, which we could debate for hours on end, waxing philosophical about gardening, but let’s not.
Let’s just party ’til frost.
Enjoy the last blooms. Take hundreds of pictures of them. Even if the pictures all look the same.
And don’t forget the bees. I sometimes stand for what seems like hours (and is probably just five minutes) in front of the asters and watch the bees go from bloom to bloom and admire the occasional butterfly who wanders by.
It is way better than television, at least better the commercials.
Do I know how to have fun? Sure I do. Fun with asters. And other late blooming flowers.
Party ’til frost. A new motto for the garden.
Then when we finally have frost on the “punkin”- any other James Whitcomb Riley fans reading this – I’ll begin to clean up the garden and prepare it for winter.
But until then, party ’til frost, my friends, and always…
Garden with no regrets (another great motto for the garden).
Even frost isn't the end of the gardening season. There are still vegetables in the vegetable garden and flowers in the flower garden. But I concede that once frost comes, the party is definitely winding down.
It's great to see the bees at this time of year. I try to have something for them all year, just in case one should stumble out and require a little sustenance. Long may your autumn last – and late may your frost be.
The first frost coming is like the band finishing up. The hard core party goers will still hang around, snacking and chatting and laughing, those are the flowers that remain in bloom, but it's only a matter of time before they turn out the lights and we must go home.
I watch the bees, also. I enjoy till the last bloom is gone.
This made me giggle at myself. I take copious photos of the same ole things and still enjoy looking at them. I will look again this winter and be thinking about what to change… Party all the time. Jack Frost is invited too.
Yes, enjoy those blooms. Are you saying you're bored with all my crazy photos? LOL. I wouldn't blame you.~~Dee
That's just the philosophy to adopt. Party till frost! My photos all do look the same right now, nothing but zinnias and dahlias. Oh darn, two of my favorite flowers.
Oh hey, a fellow Hoosier! Pretty sure we'll have our first frost around here before we know it… :(. Hope I'm wrong though.
I also hope Halloween is better this year. I swear it was either literally snowing on Halloween last year or it was just raining and like 30 degrees. Either way it was horrible!