If your neighbors don't think you're a little crazy, you need to up your gardening game. Carol J. Michel is …
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Recent Blog Posts From May Dreams Gardens

A Bea Jones Bottle Garden
“What is the point, dear Carol, of browsing through old gardening books and reading all those yellowed newspaper articles written by Lost Ladies of Garden Writing?” Thank you for your question! But must there be a point to everything we do? Skipping over that rhetorical question which is not really an answer to the first […]

Seed Packet Poetry #3
How to write seed packet poetry in a few easy steps. Step one. Find some old seed packets. In a pinch, new ones will also work. But, the older, the better. (A motto I love more and more with each passing year.) Step two. Read the descriptions. Charming? Good. Not so charming. Work with what […]
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – February 2025
By Carol 10 Comments
Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for February 2025. Here in my USDA hardiness zone 6a garden in central Indiana, the crocuses are starting to pop up throughout the back lawn. I think the first one showed up on February 2nd. Then on the 3rd it was so warm that the crocuses were open and […]

Check Out My Books
I’ve written five books of humorous gardening advice, guaranteed to make you smile and provide some good gardening advice. Check out one or all five!
Potted and Pruned: Living a Gardening Life
Homegrown and Handpicked: A Year in a Gardening Life
Seeded and Sodded: Thoughts From a Gardening Life
Creatures and Critters: Who’s In My Garden
Digging and Delighted: Live Your Best Gardening Life
And I’ve written two children’s books, both illustrated by my nephew. If you know a kid or were once a kid, you need both!
The Christmas Cottontail: A Story for Gardeners of All Ages
The Halloween Hare: A Story for Gardeners of All Ages
Will I write more books? Seeds have been planted, shoots are coming up. We shall see!
Listen to The Gardenangelists Podcast
The Gardenangelists Podcast
"Welcome to The Gardenangelists, where we talk about flowers, veggies, and all the best dirt.". Listen in …

Thank You for Visiting My Website and Blog
I hope you’ve enjoyed your time here and found a few seeds of joy and humor to plant in your garden!
If you’re looking for the Lost Ladies of Garden Writing (and you should be), I write about them on Substack.
Or maybe you are fondly recalling the days when I posted all of my grandmother’s diaries from the 1920’s online and wondering if they are still there? They are, at least for now.
Or where did that hoe collection go? It’s here, but not well-formatted or quite up to date.
Wait! I know why you are here… you heard about the secret page of information that could change your gardening life!
If you want to contact me by email…
Come back soon!