Earlier this year, I was out in the garden and noticed a trail in the lawn. I posted a picture of it, and even came up with several ideas of what it could be. Was it a migratory path for snakes, a new tiny fault line or just a path created by water run-off? After all the comments, I decided it was most likely where some voles had tunneled under the lawn, even though I didn’t want it to be that. Voles can be so destructive.
Well, it turns out it isn’t a vole trail, either.
I can hardly believe what it turns out it is, or more correctly, what it has revealed.
You see, over the last several weeks, that little crack has gotten a bit wider and I’ve gotten a bit more curious. One day, just to see how deep the crack was, I stuck a yard stick in it and almost lost my grip on it, as I was able to push the yard stick all the way down into the crack. That’s 36 inches!
Having some concern that this crack would impact the foundation of my house, I called a friend of mine to come over and check it out. He couldn’t believe it either.
To make a long story short, through a series of calls and visits from various experts and others, we’ve determined that under that part of my yard there is…
A small underground cavern filled with Indian artifacts.
It seems almost like it couldn’t be true, so let me provide a little more background.
When I bought my lot to build on, there was a very large, old Sycamore tree near where this crack showed up. I spent a few weeks deciding if I should cut down the tree or build around it. Finally, after consulting an arborist who seemed to view this as a great money-making venture for himself, I decided the tree was too old and unstable to keep. Plus the tree was going to end up being about ten feet from the corner of the house, so if it fell the wrong way in a storm, it would probably wipe out my sunroom.
It took three days for a crew to first cut the tree down, then cut it up, then haul it off. The tree turned out to be about 90 feet tall, six feet in diameter and completely hollow inside. I still believe it was the right decision to have the tree removed.
But I always felt bad about cutting down that tree, thinking about what history it had witnessed, and about how it was probably old enough for Indians to sit under it on a large boulder that used to be there, back when Indians lived in this area.
I thought of that history when I once found a molded piece of rock that looks like it is shaped like a bird buried in the ground near where that tree had stood offering shade for all those years.
Was this rock an Indian child’s toy?
And now this! An underground cavern filled with Indian artifacts.
I was asked by the authorities not to say too much about this, but they agreed I could put information on my blog starting April 1st as long as I didn’t include pictures. That’s when they’ll be ready with their own press releases.
They say it is up to me to decide if I should allow archaeologists to come dig for the Indian artifacts or just leave it alone. If they dig it up, I’m likely to lose that whole section of garden for several years and will have people in my back yard digging for quite a while.
They also all agree that the crack is stable and isn’t likely to get any bigger. In fact, they think it could disappear at times and reappear at times, depending on the weather and all. So it is really my choice on whether or not to allow for further exploration.
It’s a lot to ponder on today. What would you do?
How interesting. I think I would just leave it alone. I sure wouldn’t want my garden destroyed and people coming and going all the time, even in the name of science.
Just call me guppie. tee hee….
Good one Carol…good one. But after you got me last year, I’ve was on my guard today…
Only for a minute, the part with the yardstick, yes, but the cavern? I will be waiting to see you on TV! Maybe they will let you help with the digging, one spoonful of dirt at a time, and a camel hair brush to brush each rock/toy clean.
You had me too until You mentioned April 1st! What a good one. Thanks for the big smile!!
Ho ho. I was with you until about two thirds of the way down… then I started to wonder about the date. Good one Carol.
Trying to picture you standing over a crack that was deep enough for you to stick a yard stick in and yet, not have the cavern collapse. The picture just wouldn’t form in my mind.
Especially since I have those vole trails all over and know exactly what they look like. Wait…there were Indians here too, the previous owner found arrow heads…wow, I’d better get my yard stick and go check!
Heehee! You had me for a few paragraphs! You’ll love my new hybrid I posted about then. 😉
Happy Fool’s Day!
carol – let me just say that I am the Queen of April fools jokes and this one totally got me! I didnt realize it until reading comments. I even said, outloud, awwww, at the childs toy. nice work, carol!
Hmm. Well you nearly got me writing a foolish comment! The link at the end gave it away. That was a good April fool joke!
Hmmm? Aprils fools joke? Surely it is!
Still half asleep this morning, I was completely taken in until the Indian artifacts. I wasn’t expecting this; you got us, Carol!
Are you sure it’s not a leprachaun’s lair, Carol ? Or perhaps your garden fairies are expanding their present space.
I hope this discovery will make you rich, and even more famous!
Clever girl 🙂
(you had me for a few minutes there).
Happy April Fools! (from one fool to another)….chuckle.
Carol, Your blog has been so helpful to me in many ways, and after reading today’s post it inspired me as well. Drop by if you have time to see what I mean.
Carol, somehow I knew I could come to your blog for a giggle on April 1st. I love your sense of humor.
Very good Carol – you’re very inventive today! I found a flying pig over at my place 😉
I thought about posting today that the Spring Fling had been canceled due to a bumper crop of oak-tree caterpillars, which are invading homes and even clogging up tail pipes in cars….but, nah, just didn’t have the energy. 🙂
Tee hee….Stuart caught me last night being 13 hours or so ahead of us, but this also is a very fine Poisson d’Avril (I LOVE the French for April fool’s day–an April fish, anyone?)
Good Grief Carol … that was a hoot ! .. almost had me girl .. I keep thinking I’m still in March !
Joy : )
All I could think of was “incredible” and I couldn’t figure if they had dug up your garden to know you had a cavern underneath! Good one!
Ok, you’re good. I thought my grandmother was the queen of April Fool’s Day, but I think you’re right up there.
It’s my day off but as I was reading I was thinking maybe I should swing by work to check my work e-mail and see if the press release had come through yet. I did find it odd you never said who the authorities were, like the county or Purdue professors or something.
Good thing the other comments clued me in. I would have been really annoyed if I’d gone into work on my day off for nothing.
Love your page!
You had me right up until the date. Good one.
Yeah, findings can be both a blessing and a curse. Will you fill us in on the details next year? Who knows what other ‘poissons’ you might come up with. 🙂 )– Thanks Jodi, for the French term; didn’t know that.)
Must call in an anthropologist!!
I was hoping for a April 1st post, Carol and this is great – even if it doesn’t show up on Google Earth like last year’s boulder. Your attention to detail is staggering.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
It wasn’t until I read the comments that I got it. Duh!
You are so good! Loved it! Like Annie was hoping you would ‘fool us’ ;)…..
Wow, I don’t know! But it is a fascinating thing to happen in your very own yard. Miraculous, really. What are the chances?
This was good Carol – your Twitter gave you away. I loved it … your 2006 one was good too. Caroljeania – you are creative!
I knew when you mentioned the Indian artifacts. Also, I think we would have known something last Saturday when we were over there. You would have warned us (I hope) that we might lose our children in the “cavern”.
Kathy, the older sister.
Loved it! I was already on the alert for April Fools Day jokes – even Stuart’s didn’t get me. It’s probably because I spend a lot of time planning April Fool pranks to play on my kids. Excellent prank post.
You didn’t fool me for one second, Carol.
APRIL FOOL! You got me all the way to the end. LOL
Oh Carol!!! You had me too!! Between you and my little daughter, that’s my third one today. I fell for it completely. Sheesh!~~Dee
You almost had me there Carol. I was totally fooled by the prior years posts. The the crack appearing almost fell for it again.
Very good! I was totally taken in.
You had me until the last paragraph — nice job!
Me thinks I smell a hoax!
All, Thank you for letting me have some April Fool’s Day fun. For those who have been reading my blog for awhile, I suspect you indeed knew my post on April 1st would not be “exactly” true.
The only truth is… I did find that bird shaped rock while digging in the garden, there was once a sycamore tree that I had to have cut down, and earlier this spring I found a vole trail in the lawn.
The rest of the story… April Fools!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Another good April Fool’s story. 2006 got me hooked on your blog. Always love your creative writing. Have a great trip.
Good one! You had me fooled for nearly the whole thing! In all seriousness, my old BF’s mom found a bunch of indian artifacts while excavating her swimming pool. She quietly contacted a local college, who advised her to “donate” them for a display rather than allow outsiders to excavate. They told her it was possible that she could not only have “company” digging for years, but the land could be taken from her if it were discovered to be an actual burial ground or other “sacred” spot. But I think you’re safe! 😉