“One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides”. ~W.E. Johns, The Passing Show
I’m tired of the anticipation of spring and the garden, let’s get on with the show! The weather forecast calls for high temperatues in the 50’s this weekend, so I’m making my list of what I want to do on this first “real spring” weekend.
- Weed out the henbit from the vegetable garden and paths.
- Sow tomato, pepper, and eggplant seeds inside.
- Cut forsythia for indoor forcing (I’m moving it to the back yard anyway).
- Walk around and look for winter damage, make list of other things I need to do.
- Look around for signs of anything that might be blooming by March 15th.
- Drive slowly by any garden centers, big box stores or other retailers to see if they have pansies and violas for sale. If I find them, I’m buying some to put in pots on the front porch. I am not afraid they will freeze. If it gets too cold, I’ll just drag them into the garage for the night.
- Round up pots to start elephant ears and caladiums in a few weeks. If I don’t have enough pots, I’ll have to get some. I bought the bulbs for these at Sam’s Club at the end of January!
- Root some cuttings from my Swedish Ivy for my niece Sophie who now wants a house plant for her room.
- Order a new hoe for myself. 2007 – the year of the hoe, right?
What are you planning to do in your garden this weekend?
I’m going to the garden center, what else? They forecast rain for the weekend so no gardening for me.
But Carol, I have one item for you to add to your list. Check it out here:
Have a nice weekend!
Lowes has violas and I am buying some also! I almost bought some last weekend but decided to wait. Might even buy a new hoe! hahaha!
Have a wonderful weekend and don’t work too hard!
I need to get after some weeds this weekend. My husband and I are also planning to install some landscape lighting in the front yard. Oh yeah, and we’re having a family get-together in the back garden this weekend.
I’m going to watch the rain melt the snow.
I’m watching my husband finish shoveling off the roof and maybe I’ll start some seeds.
Just think how great it will be when you finally get out there after this long winter. I started in ernest yesterday and could barely tear myself away to make dinner. Looking forward to daylight savings time and this weekend.
I will be working in the beds this weekend preparing them for planting.Maybe a trip to lowes for some supplies will be in hand.
Steven Wilson
*ahem* Ordering a hoe, are we? Best keep in mind your resolutions… 😉