Garden fairies here!
We are garden fairies and we are certain if it were not for us, this blog would go dormant faster than a tulip in the springtime. Faster than a lilac in the fall. Faster certainly than the time it takes Carol to get around to posting something.
So here we are. And let us tell you fine readers, we garden fairies are soaking wet. Sloshy wet. Saturated beyond belief.
But we are not going to give up on this summer just because it seemed to rain the entire month of June so far. Oh no. It is far too early to throw in the wet towel, to be a wet blanket, to douse this flame of a garden with water.
Not going to happen. We are garden fairies and we are taking advantage of all this rain to make hostas as big as we’ve ever made them. They are huge. Big. Ginormous. And properly so with all this rain.
Elsewhere in the garden, Seedy and Soddy are up to their tricks again. They were rummaging around in the front border where Carol had three big Knock Out roses removed last year, even though they had pretty yellow blooms, and guess what they found?
A root!
A rose root!
Yep, they found a root for one of those roses so they decided to give it some help to grow and then when it grew leaves and all, guess what those two scamps did?
They made it flower.
You should have seen Carol’s face when she saw it yesterday. Priceless! You don’t get expressions like that every day.
Anyway, here’s the flower, proof of the magical, mystical, marvelous, mighty ways of us garden fairies.

We were especially proud of Seeding and Soddy for hiding this itty bitty witty rose amongst some geranium leaves and for getting it to bloom on the first day of summer.
Now that’s special!
Anyway, we are garden fairies and it looks like the sun is going to shine for a bit so we have no more time to waste here trying to help Carol keep this blog from becoming a big heap of compost.
Submitted by:
Violet Greenpea Maydreams, Chief Scribe for the garden fairies at May Dreams Gardens and the one who told Seedy and Soddy how to make that rose grow form roots and flower!
I am so glad that you Fairies are keeping an eye on the garden and making sure that magical things take place. I also appreciate the effort of keeping Carol's blog alive. What would we mere Gardeners do without being able to read about the goings on here.??
So much rain! Please let it ease slightly for the rest of the summer. It’s making the weeds ENORMOUS!