I got a brand new pair of shoes the other day and I wore them to mow the grass within days of getting them.
Brand new shoes. I wore them to mow the grass.
And I didn’t even hear voices in my head telling me not to do it. I did it on purpose.
How else was I going to decide if I loved the Jollys Fashion Garden Shoes as much as I love my Jollys Classic Garden Shoes?
I am a long time fan of Jollys garden shoes.
I got my first pair of Jollys Classic Garden Shoes, upper left corner, about fifteen years ago, long before anyone ever thought about those plastic clogs with holes in them that start with a “C”. Sure, people made fun of them, just a little bit, but I didn’t care. They were, and are, comfortable, easy to slip on and off for quick trips or long trips out to the garden, and easy to clean. This first pair is nearly ready for retirement, having finally worn through a bit on the bottom. I think I’ll plant something in them.
I got the second pair, upper right corner, about ten years ago. They are always at the front door, ready to slip on as I head out to grab the paper in the morning or step out to do some watering. They are just as comfortable as the first pair. Did I mention the plaid insoles are removable, making it easy to remove them so you can clean the shoes with just soap and water?
I got the third pair, lower left corner, about five years ago. They live by the back door and are on my feet when I head out to the vegetable garden on a bright sunny morning, or just go out to walk around a bit in the evening. By the way, only the Jollys have plaid insoles. I can spot a pair of them a mile away just by seeing the insole.
Which brings me to the fourth pair, the Jollys Fashion Garden Shoes, lower right corner, sent to me by the people at www.gardenclogs.com to try out.
Turns out, that yes, I do like them as well as I like my “classics”. I mowed the lawn in them and they did great. They have a little extra tread on the bottom, which adds stability when walking through wet grass. I think they’ll be what I wear when I mow the grass from here on out.
I do like my Jollys garden shoes.
And now, thanks to the generosity of the people at www.gardenclogs.com, one lucky reader can win a free pair of Jollys garden shoes or clogs. Did I mention they also have gardening clogs? Winner can choose any style, any color, any size, and they have men’s and children’s sizes, too.
To enter this giveaway, just leave a comment by Tuesday, December 7 at 9 pm EST and tell us what kind of shoes you generally wear in the garden.
Winner will be chosen by random drawing.
Other details –
U.S. residents only, must be 18 years or older,
One entry per person.
Comment must be submitted by Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 9:00 pm EST.
Please be sure your comment will either lead me to your email address (via a blog) or put your email address in the comment (disguised something like indygardener at gmail dot com to keep scrapers and bots from picking it up).
The random number was 19, which means the winner is Rose! Congratulations, Rose, and thank you to all who entered. Watch for more fun giveaways after the New Year.

I like the name. It's so festive this time of year. I usually wear my garden shoes which are muck boots. I like them a lot except they make my feet bigger, and I now step on things. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.~~Dee
I have a pair of "rain" shoes–they are like rain boots, but loafer style. Completely washable glossy plastic. I tend to wear those, unless it's really cold, and then I wear an old beat up pair of Reeboks with heavy socks.
suzanne dot offner at gmail dot com
I could see me fetching the paper or pruning the roses in these. I wear Lands End slip ons, I buy mens b/c I can. Often the little thingy in the back has to be pulled upright and I kinda find that annoying. Wouldn't it be nice to slip into something and not have to think about what might go wrong? Helen
I actually have garden shoes on my christmas list! Santa would be so glad to have one less thing to carry in his sack if I could just WIN a pair. 🙂
I wear a pair of Crocs that are worn out or a pair of mud boots. I'd love to try these out!
whitehousequartet at gmail dot com
These look like great gardening shoes! What I wear to garden depends on which door I go out. If I go out the front door, I slip on a pair of L.L. Bean garden clogs. If I go out the back, it's TurfKing Sloggers. Both pretty dirty right now and well worn.
I just wear ugly old tennis shoes in the garden. My feet could definitely use something jolly.
I have been wearing the Crocs clogs for the past 3 years. My only complaint about them is….the holes. They are so comfortable to wear when gardening,but my socks get filthy because of the holes! I would love to try the Jolly Garden Shoes.
I generally wear a pair of old tennies when doing yard work but would love to have something easier to clean and more comfy
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com
In the winter I wear my regular clogs. I have an old pair that are falling apart that I used to wear but after wearing them to church once by mistake I've pretty much quit wearing them.In the summer I wear sandals. I think the idea of garden shoes by the door is wonderful!
I wear my crocs, both closed toe and flip flops to work outdoors, but I sure have been wanting a pair of these garden clogs! In red …
I wear Crocs all the time because I have plantar faciitis in both feet and that's about all I can wear. I would love to try Jolly's as the holes in the Crocs are a problem in the garden. I keep getting dirt on my socks. Stickers can be felt through the soles. And if it's muddy……
I wear my Crocs till they're smooth on the bottoms. Then they have to be retired because they cause me to slip and fall on the smooth garage floor. That's a cute idea, making planters out of them!
I tend to wear sneakers, which are just no good – they get wet, they get muddy, they're hard to clean. Ugh. I definitely need a better gardening shoe!
I wear old tennis shoes and tire of tying and untying everytime I need to run in the house for something. I'll be checking these out.
I will take size 7 please. Do they come in pink? For light gardening I wear sloggers, for winter wet and mud, Muck boots, for the most slippery slope jobs, old sneakers. I like the idea of having a pair by the front door to run outside. We may need several! 🙂
I have a pair of rubber clogs that I bought some years ago at a local garden center, but they are stiff and rub the polish off my big toe, so I have been wearing
C—-. They let dirt (soil?) in. I would love to have a pair of Jollys in any color!
I have a pair of faux 'c' word garden clogs that I bought at my local general store (where they sell Everything I need) and they are not substantial, but they have survived three years. They are very easy to slip on for trips around the garden and henhouse. It might be time for a new pair of sturdy shoes. I have a Giveaway too.
I would so, so love to have a pair of really good garden clogs like these Jollys! I usually wear shoes that are already nearly worn out when I go out into the yard, or I do have pair of cheap garden clogs, which I must wear with socks, because if not there is this awful noise that happens, (it rhymes with suck), that is totally annoying!!! Thank you for this opportunity!
farmersdaughter1230 at yahoo dot com
I have a similar pair to these, though I'm sure they're a much cheaper knock-off version, that I wear out in the garden all year long except in the summer when I change over to a lighter pair (with the holes). I could certainly use a new pair–the back of the heel got chewed up by some ornery puppy:)
I hope you're not out mowing today–we had our first snow!
If I wear shoes, they are hiking boots…. PITA to do up all those laces, would be nice to have something to just slip on and run!
I normally wear those shoes that start with the "C" or just plain, worn out tennis shoes. The latter isn't the best, though. I usually get them soaked before I'm done almost defeating the purpose of putting them on! LOL!!
My original garden shoes were garden clogs from Muck boots. I wore them for six year until they cracked. When I couldn't find a local supplier for them, I switched to Bogs.
However, I've recently worn the soles out and have been looking for a replacement. So far I've been stymied. I'd love to try some Jollys.
I am not sure that Jolly Garden Shoes will like to hear that I tried their garden clog for a couple of years and then moved on to Muck Boot Co. products which I much prefer. They are warm, exceedingly comfortable even for long walks and hard labor, and can be cleaned easily. I have the Garden Shoe and the Garden Clog–I love both. My husband is devoted to his short Muck Boots. I will be happy to try the Jolly shoes again if I win the random drawing! Carolyn
Being I am a new gardener this year I have a pair of thongs with criss cross straps that I wore in the summer… I wore them so much they were always dirty come monday and I had to wash them so I could wear them to work… so I broke down and bought a 2nd pair, so one would stay clean… but then I got them mixed up… because do I really get dirty when I harvest compared to digging in the soil? So I have 2 matching pairs of dirty thongs, and recently I commandeered an old pair of Clark Privo for garden wear. Waterproof slip ons would be helpful!
I usually wear my sneakers but I am finding them very lacking in cleanability
Oh dear! You caught me! My most well worn gardening shoes are FLIP FLOPS, however I really prefer to garden barefoot. On rare occasions when I know I will be digging with a shovel, I will break down and put on a pair of tennies. 🙂
Oh I'd love to win a pair!
Right now I garden in whatever I have handy – old sneakers or rubber flip-flops. Sometimes hiking boots. When it's warm enough I will also garden barefoot and squish my toes in the mud 🙂
Oh, I could learn to love a pair of Jollys Garden shoes.
Given the still deplorable condition of my street, I could use a pair of garden shoes that would keep me from slipping and sliding in the mud by the curb. If I don't win a pair, I might have to order some!
I don't have a garden, but I do have to walk in the grass to water my potted flowers…and they would be nice when I have to take the dog outside.
Hoo boy! It's whatever is by the door according to the weather. I wear flip flops, slides, sneakers, my daughter's old rubber boots, hiking boots, and even bare feet is a possibility. Real garden shoes would be a distinct luxury!
What a great CHristmas treat these clogs would be. I got my first pair about 12 years ago and they wore out 2 years ago. Having been downsized from a full time job, I tried replacing them with $6 knockoffs and found those to be disposable. I miss them horribly and will have to have a new pair by spring. Like you, I wore them constantly – even to the garden store I frequent, along with a natty pair of overalls that I proudly don to announce my gardenining enthusiasm!
I wear Chacos normally. Even in the deep dank mud. I'm amazed at how well they've held up to all the hiking/gardening/mucking I've put them through. But…I don't like them when the get too dirty which is often. And i'm not buying a second pair. I've looked at clogs for a while, but never could bring myself to buy any.
I have a pair of rubber shoes that look similar to yours that I wear in the garden and I love them! They aren't the same brand you have. The back of one of my shoes is broken and I need a new pair. 🙂 I would love to try out this brand, sounds like they last a long time! Thanks for offering the giveaway.
Chacos in the summer, Merrils in the winter, and wellingtons all year long for quick trips when it's particularly wet and muddy. A pair of slip-on clogs would be great to have and less trouble than pulling on the boots.
cinco_00 at yahoo dot com
Sport shoes or sandals
I generally wear sneakers.
I wear a pair of old tennis shoes when I work in the yard. I have also worn those same shoes when painting. Unfortunately, the shoes are dark blue with random spots of white, tan, and light blue paint.
ron dot specht at gmail dot com.
If I plan to be in my little garden I put on tennis shoes, but so many times I end up there spur of the moment in flip flops. Proper garden shoes would be wonderful to use.
raindrop71 at sbcglobal dot net
Usually wear sloggers but would love to try Jolly Greens
I have a pair of rain clogs that are torn now.
I always wear cowboy boots so some garden shoes would be great!
bengoodman2010 at gmail.com
I have a pair of clogs similar to these. I love them and would like to win these for my mom.
Carol, I posted a comment but looks like it didn't make it on here. So if this is a duplicate, please disregard. I wear Berkenstocks that are so worn out I need to throw them away and would make great use of these clogs!
robinm at austin dot rr dot com
We have a very SMALL garden. I just wear whatever shoes I have stashed under the coffee table in the living room. 😉
bbentry [at] aol [dot] com
Mama needs a new pair of shoes!
I wear crocks if its really hot and I'm not doing any major digging. Sometimes flipflops and sometimes an old pair of birkenstock clogs.
Oh, heavens! What a fantastic shoe Carol! After my dogs have chewed far too many pairs of flip flops.. a good sturdy and stylish summer work-type shoe is in my future! I don't think they are ugly at all. Sure hope to be blessed with a set of these lovely things!
anj9779 at live dot come
Depends on the weather and the task….flip flops in the garden if it's dry out. If it is wet then sometimes flip flops in the garden, and sometimes my old old sneaks. For mowing I always wear the sneakers b/c they cover the toe.
jess i ca e mau rice @ gmail dot com
old flip flops
I have a pair of old, slip on shoes by each door leading out to the yard so I can be sure to have something to keep me from stepping on sharp or pointy things, and then take off before tracking mud, dirt, germs… into the house!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
Definitely could use a pair! Tired of scraping mud off of my workout shoes.
I usually wear my old sneakers in the garden.
I have a cheapie pair of garden clogs that are starting to crack. These look so much better!
I wear whatever shoes happen to be on my feet when I step outside for "just a minute" and realize hours later, that instead of my sneakers I should have worn my muck shoes or my Ariat boots. When I actually plan to go out and garden, that's what I wear.
I have a beautiful pair of Hunter boots, but to be honest I typically wear whatever I have on my feet. I've turned over compost in flip-flops, and weeded in heels…when I happen to see just "one" weed that needs to be pulled..ha!
When I garden I choose between a couple of pairs of old leather sneakers that I keep in the garage. I do have to tie them up and untie them to run in and out of the house. WHen I go out on the deck to let the dogs out, or even to get the mail down the driveway, I often run outside with nothing but socks or barefeet…even in the cold. This is probably due to the fact that I don't keep shoes by my front or back doors, and now I am wondering why I have never thought of this idea before!! These would be great sitting by the front or back door–and once I had them on I could actually walk through–or do some impromptu weeding–in the garden, and not have to run right back inside because of my bare feet!
Whenever I buy a new pair of sneakers, the old ones become my "lawn mowing & yard work shoes". For watering flowers or getting the paper or mail, it's an old pair of fake crocs that are just about worn all the way through the sole. Would love to have a pair Jollys that could be multi-purpose shoes & that would last as long as yours! justmeande at gmail dot com.
I usually wear a pair of fake Crocs that I got at Kmart.
I don't garden, but my mother does, she usually wears those exact clogs! She loves them, but her pair are a bit worn now so winning these for her would be amazing!
I wear an old pair of Crocs that are actually too small. Needless to say, I don't walk around the garden in them long. I would prefer to have a pair of Jolly's that fit but also because they look like they have a thicker sole that will keep my feet out of the water or mud outside.
dchrisg3 @ gmail . com
I usually wear an old pair of sneakers, or if it's particularly wet, my Bogs boots. These look very practical and comfortable!
sarah.stern.13 at gmail dot com
I usually wear old tennis shoes, that are already muddy and dirty!
I usually wear the same shoes I do all my yard work in, and that is my old worn out sneakers.
I wear either my rain boots or a pair of old sneakers lezanac@yahoo.com
I generally wear my Croc flip flops when I'm working in the garden. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
i have an old pair of platic soled "mocs" they just, just started to get a crack in the left sole..so count me in for some jolly's!
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
I just use a pr of sneakers!!!
I have a pair of Crocs. Not the clog type, but a pair of little strappy sandals. Thanks.
I wear tennis shoes in the garden.
mia at jacobsracing dot com
I have a pair of Clog wannave's, which I love and grab all the time for quick errands.
I usually wear my rubber boots or slippers because I don't have any Jollys of course! These are awesomely appropriate!
i normally wear my crocs when i am working in the garden
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
casual slip-ons Usually
Since I work in my garden when it's warm, I wear rubber flipflops.
I wear gym shoes
Diane Baum
I usually wear my flip flops, of course I live in flip flops, so this is no shocker.
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)
I wear my old sneakers which has made them look even grungier than they did.
I wear grungy sneakers too, and the person who posted this makes them look even grungier was not lying. My garden shoes are hilariously ugly, once-lovely WHITE Nike tennis shoes.
i usually wear cheap sneakers
I wear cheap flip flops in my garden.
I normally wear tennis shoes but these look really comfortable! Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com
I normally wear covered shoes, I would love to wear this shoes. My email address is jinijose_v@yahoo.com
Love them, need them and hope I win them! I wear Bog Boots they keep my tootsies warm and dry and I never slip and fall on the wet, gooey clay. gail
I usually wear a pair of old boots. garrettsambo@aol.com
I usually wear high tops or sneakers.