If all goes according to plan, I will be publishing my fifth book, Creatures and Critters: Who’s in My Garden, next Tuesday, March 17th. I’m excited to share this book with those who have enjoyed my trilogy of gardening humor.
Whereas the essays in the trilogy are based on a lot of the material found on my blog, May Dreams Gardens, the critters book contains new essays not previously published online. As with the other books, though, you’ll find some information that might be helpful if you garden. It’s all right there between the stories and the humor.
Locally, I should have copies for sale at the Indiana Flower and Patio show on March 16, 17, and 18 when I am there speaking. I’ll also have it at the Johnson County Public Library author fair at the Clark-Pleasant branch. Please see my events page for more details.
I will also list it on my online store. If none of those options work for you, I encourage you to buy a copy from Bookshop, an alternative to Amazon that supports local bookstores.
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