Exciting news for all gardeners in Indiana!
The new magazine Indiana Gardening, published by State by State Gardening, has arrived! Check your local bookstores where magazines are sold to get your own copy. (Hint: look for it with other regional magazines which is where I found it at the local Barnes & Noble bookstore).
Published six times a year, it’s all about gardening in Indiana.
You won’t find a lovely main article in this magazine about the Ten Best Camellias for Your Garden. They aren’t hardy in Indiana! Instead you’ll find “The Four Season Garden” written by Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp, The Hoosier Gardener. It’s full of information about shrubs and perennials that provide four seasons of interest in a Midwestern garden.
You also won’t find regional updates for far off warm climates like Florida and California. Instead you’ll find regional updates for northeast Indiana, northwest Indiana, central Indiana and southern Indiana with specific information that you can use in your garden without wondering if it applies to you.
Nor will you find profiles of gardens that feature cactus and sagebrush and can never be replicated here in Indiana. Instead, you’ll read about gardens that could be just down the street or around the corner from you, as is the case with the garden profile in this first issue written by yours truly, me.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I love many national magazines and I even love those British magazines on the occasions when I find one and splurge a bit to buy it. They show how universal gardening really is and offer many great articles and insights on gardens, gardening, and gardeners.
But it sure is nice to read an entire magazine and not wonder if something you read applies to your climate.
If you are in Indiana, or live in a neighboring state close to the state line, run out now to get this first issue. Then subscribe to it so it is delivered to your mailbox six times a year. With your subscription, you will also get a 10% discount card good at many garden centers from “state line to state line”. I figured with the amount I usually spend at a couple of the garden centers offering the discount, I’ll be able recoup my subscription cost with that discount card well before Mother’s Day.
Don’t wait… get thee to the bookstore today to buy the first issue, then send in the subscription card.
“You might be a gardening geek in Indiana, and a smart one at that, if you subscribe to Indiana Gardening.”
(And if you don’t live in Indiana, don’t despair, you can get your own local gardening information in many other magazines published by State by State Gardening.)
Good to hear it is out, Carol. Congrats on you and Jo Ellen being in the premier issue. I will have to check it out.
Exciting! Can't wait to see it!
wonderful..miss living in IN
Congrats Carol! I hope you get many more assignments.
For several years I've written for Carolina Gardener -bought by State-by-State about a year ago. It's a pleasure to write for them. http://statebystategardening.com/carolinas/
Happy Hoosier gardening!
State by State doesn't publish a magazine for NY, but we have Upstate Gardeners' Journal". Congratulations on the latest feather in your writing cap.
I have been enjoying all the versions that State by State has published and I hope they are able to add more and more states. I have been enjoying 'blogging' for the VA Gardener Magazine since January…and get all the benefits of having a subscription. What a really cool program they have going, and I hope it will expand. It's nice to have individual magazines that we can each relate to based on our individual climates and idiosyncracies!
well said! Great post. Now, I just want to see the Missouri version.
I wonder if they sell this in Illinois?:)
I just checked their website and was surprised to see Illinois does have its own magazine. I'll have to look for it, but unfortunately, it won't have your article in it, I imagine.
Thanks for the tip. I'll pass this along to Mom.
Can I borrow your copy to check it out? You know, sometime when you attend a meeting with me… 🙂