If you look outside and happen to glimpse a rabbit running around, or maybe you see some rabbit tracks in the snow, you can bet that one of the Christmas Cottontail’s under bunnies has been snooping around your garden.
They are out in force these days deciding who’s a good gardener and who’s a bad gardener.
I suggest you look around and decide what the evidence in your garden indicates—are you good or are you bad—and then do what you need to do to move from bad to good, or from good to even better.
Don’t waste time and risk your garden’s future. Make sure those under bunnies see enough to put “good” beside your name before Christmas Eve.
Yes, The Christmas Cottontail book is still available! If you want to be sure it is under your Christmas tree this year, don’t delay and order as soon as you can, especially if you plan on buying directly from me. I think Amazon can also send you a copy with two-day shipping most of the time.
Before I head out to rake up some leaves to further ensure that I have at least half a chance of ending up on the Christmas Cottontail’s good list, I want to give an update on the podcast I am doing with Dee Nash.
We’ve just recorded our sixth episode! You can find us as The Gardenangelists on iTunes or BuzzSprout.
For our sixth episode, Dee provides some great information on how to get your amaryllis, orchids, and poinsettias to rebloom, we talk about seed buying and how it isn’t too early to buy some seeds for next year, and we give you a couple more ideas for gardening gifts.
We usually publish new episodes of the podcast on Tuesdays. Why don’t you listen in and take us along as you walk around your neighborhood, on a treadmill or at the local mall? Let us be in your ears when you finally get around to raking leaves. Or tune in while you are doing some holiday baking!
We’d love your feedback! You can email us at thegardenangelists@gmail.com with questions and suggestions.
Now, what are you doing just sitting here reading this blog post? Go order some books, rake some leaves, bake some cookies, and listen to The Gardenangelists. All of those activities will surely make you a good gardener!
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