The Institute for Gardenetics Research and Other Works (iGROW)* would like to conduct a study to determine if the quantity of vegetable and flower seeds purchased by gardeners goes up when there is snow on the ground.
The hypothesis, or rather hortothesis*, which is what we call a hypothesis related to gardening, is that when their gardens are buried under snow and activities of gardening are severely limited, gardeners will order more seeds to satisfy their need to feel connected to their gardens.
To research this hortothesis, I will of course need money to pay for my time and effort. I would use this money to survey gardeners and gather data from seed companies to compare to various weather records. Then I’d ponder on the data while I was gardening in my own garden, to see if I can prove the hortothesis.
If I could prove it, then seed companies could use the information to adjust staffing and sales projections based on the amount of snowfall. If I can not prove it, then that would be okay, too. I would have at least had the opportunity to garden while being paid to ponder on it.
I suspect, however, that most seed companies have limited funds to invest in this type of research, so I will have to rely on free resources, such as blog posts like this one, to gather gardeners’ feedback via comments. And I will have to ponder on my own time in the garden as well. That’s okay, too. I’d do it for the good of all gardeners everywhere.
Do you believe my hortothesis is correct? Is there snow on the ground where you are and will it cause you to buy more seeds?
*I made up iGROW.
**I made up hortothesis, too.
I don't know, but I suspect your theory is correct. There is snow on the ground here and I did buy seeds yesterday. Draw your own conclusions.
I know while there was snow on the ground this past week i buried my face in garden pictures online, looked through the plants and seeds at the market, and tended more often
to my own houseplants and terrariums.
didnt have the money for seeds or plants though the economy is too tough in this house at the moment!
No snow on the ground here… but while we were in the midst of a deluge here yesterday (which prevented outdoor activities just as effectively), I placed a small* seed order.
Your research proposal sounds brilliant. Hope you win a grant that allows you to garden and get paid for pondering. 😉
*I told myself it had to be "small" because I have way too many seeds already. And so I am choosing to define the order as "small" even if some would disagree — like my husband when the package arrives.
I'd say you could expand your hortothesis to include cold, damp, rainy, soaked soil winters. Then you could include mine and I'd say yes you're right. I spent over $100 just yesterday on a plant order. And possibly more orders to come.
Too funny! I think it also makes them search for items to turn into terrariums, or anything garden related.~~Dee
Not sure if it fits into the hortothesis, Carol – but I sure bought a lot more seeds when we had a bigger lot in Illinois where snow could fall on it and winter was time for garden dreams.
Still remember ordering Asparagus peas after becoming entranced with the catalog description but don't have experimental space down here!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
I do believe there is merit to your hortothesis, lol!
I plan to put this hortothesis to the test!
No snow on the ground here … never is anyway!
Hi. I wandered into here via Blotanical and I've had a jolly amusing half hour loosing myself in your posts! …..that was all well and good, but I'd actually put the computer on to order some seeds!!!
(it's not snowing here, but it is chucking it down with rain – does that count?)
I bet you are correct in your hortothesis. Gardeners stuck in their houses looking through all the seed catalogues and dreaming of their gardens to be…:) Also, the amount of posts about this topic! Where are most of the gardeners from who post about seeds? hmmmm
Many people really enjoy gardening.In this post, i am sure that they will learn new things that they can apply on their garden.
I have bought quite a few seed packets in the last few days….
Brilliant post. I can see a whole industry, here, and surely the big seed companies will invest millions to fund your hortothetical researches.
What I'd love to know is what proportion of enthusiastically purchased seed ever gets sown? Don't well all buy dreams, when we order seeds, but then find we'd need a square mile to grow them all in??
Going to follow your blog, if I may. It's brilliant!!!