Garden fairies here.
We are garden fairies and we notice things that go on in this garden called May Dreams Gardens. Yes, we do. Not one thing goes on in this garden that we garden fairies don’t find out about one way or another.
For example, we garden fairies noticed this tulip the other morning. It’s yellow with reddish orange, or is that orangish-red, or is that orange, or red, or some kind of new color? We are garden fairies, and truth be told, because that’s how we roll, with truth, we don’t care what color it is.
What we care about and what we noticed right away is that it is not the color of the other tulips around in that garden. It is a bi-color tulip if ever we’ve seen one.
We noticed it almost right away.
Yes, we will show you a picture and you fine readers can look and see if you notice how it is not the same as the other tulips.

Do you see it? No? What? It’s right there, over there, mid right in the photo, by all the ‘Lady Jane’ tulips. Now do you see it?
Well whether or not you see it, it is there. That’s true of a lot of things we garden fairies notice. Like air. It is there, but we don’t see it unless the water droplets get stuck in it and then it is fog. We garden fairies…
Oh, wait a blooming radish minute. This post wasn’t supposed to be about tulips. And it sure wasn’t going to be about weather either. It was supposed to be about the vegetable garden makeover.
Well, you would not believe the goings on in the vegetable garden. We are garden fairies. The other morning, we all ran out of the vegetable garden when we saw that crew coming toward it. We ran up to where the tulips are, which is why we posted about tulips instead of vegetable gardens.
But we are garden fairies, we will provide an update on the vegetable garden, just as soon as we can get Ol’ Tangle Rainbowfly to go back there and take some pictures. He said something about waiting for Sweetpea Morningglory and her friends to finish with some of the final touches.
We are garden fairies, we promise!
Submitted by Thorn Goblinfly, Chief Scribe of the Garden Fairies at May Dreams Gardens, who doesn’t like to leave readers hanging like this but there is only so much people will read in in a blog post, so she will stop here and hope that Carol picks up the slack and provides a vegetable garden update very soon. She is also responsible for deciding what to do about the rogue yellow tulip, which is probably Tulipa clusiana ‘Cynthia’. She must decide if she will pull it up, transplant it, or leave it there.
You keep watch garden fairies. Don't let Carol out of your sight.~~Dee
Big doings in the garden there…how exciting!
One of those things is definitely not like the other! Were some little fairies making mischief at planting time?
I like the rogue tulip better than the others! Dig them up and keep the yellow one! What's this about a veggie garden update? We want photos!
Your friend,
Fernleaf Gravelgarden
The shelf space problem is serious at my house. I found a solution. I am weeding out more of my non-gardening books – to make room for my gardening books, new and antiquarian.