As noted in a previous post, if you didn’t have a chance to read this particular book, you can still participate in this virtualbook club by posting a review or thoughts on any book written by either Elizabeth Lawrence or Katharine S. White. Or, if you haven’t read any of their books, but have exchanged letters or ideas with another gardener, write about that. I’m not too picky, and will accept any somewhat related post. The more the merrier, and since the club is virtual, there are no limits of space. Just leave me a comment or send me an email with a link to your post, so I can find you and include you.
March Selection:
The March selection is The Gardener’s Year by Karel Capek. I’ve not yet read the book but those who have read it talk about how humorous it is. Plus it is only 100 pages, so it should be an easy read, which is what we’ll need as winter ends and spring begins, and soon we’ll all be in our gardens again (us northern gardeners trying to catch up with you southern gardeners!)
And after March… the April-May Selection:
As we all get busier in the garden, there seems to be less time for reading books. But at the same time, isn’t there always time to read a good book? So to continue through the busy gardening months, we’ll go to a book every two months for awhile. For April AND May, we’ll switch gears ago and select Passalong Plants by Steve Bender and Felder Rushing. I’ve had this book for many years, but haven’t read it for awhile. It is also one of those books you can skip around in, perfect for when it is busy in the garden. If you just simply can’t find the time to read the book this spring, you can just post about your favorite passalong plant, either one you regularly give to others, or one you received from someone else.
Amazon Store for the Book Club Selections:
Kathy at Cold Climate Gardening has set up an Amazon book store for the book club. You can find all the books we’ve chosen so far there, plus some other books that might be of interest, including a collection of the books written by Elizabeth Lawrence.
Thank you!
Thank you again to everyone who has participated so far in the book club. For those who haven’t participated, you can jump right in at any time! All are welcome!
I took the picture above at the Garfield Park Conservatory when I was there to see the Tiger Orchid)
Purely by coincidence, I’m reading this book now!
Oh, I’m feeling lucky, Carol – MSS from Zanthan had mentioned the Karel Capek book so I bought it. I’m ready for March – just have to get February finished and posted!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Kylee… I hope you will post something about the book and join us for the “club post”. The more the merrier.
Annie… Looking forward to your club post!
I’m in for March! Just ordered it after not finding it in two local Borders (disappointing…what has happened to their garden department…but, I digress…). Anyway, I’m excited to participate!
Gotta Garden… the more the merrier, so welcome!
Hello Carol
And yes again I will be an up-to-the-last-minute contributor; I hope to post something by tomorrow morning! Thanks again for hosting.
Passalong Plants by Felder Rushing and Steven Bender is a wonderful book, I would love to join the book club if I may?
Iowa Gardnering Woman… All are welcome, plese do join us next month.