Is anyone else watching episodes of American Pickers on The History Channel? For those without cable or who haven’t tuned in, American Pickers features two guys, Mike and Frank, who travel around and try to buy old stuff from pack rats and collectors who have amassed enormous piles and buildings full of stuff.
Mike and Frank tend to pick old cars, bicycles, motorcycles, oil cans, rusty signs and the occasional old toy. Sometimes they’ll pick up a lamp or other artifact… if they think they can clean it up and sell it for a profit. I don’t blame them for buying these same types of things over and over again. Everyone buys what they like.
But after watching numerous episodes, it struck me that they have yet to pick a hoe, an old planter or two old metal chairs that look like they would be right at home in a cottage garden.
How long can a gardener watch a show if there isn’t much going on related to gardening?
Fellow gardeners, I think it is time for The History Channel to take American Pickers to a new level and create the next great garden show, Garden Pickers.
For Garden Pickers, two avid gardeners – let’s go with me and someone else for now – would travel about to visit other gardeners across the United States, and maybe Canada, Great Britain and Europe, and see what unusual plants and gardening gear they have. We could barter with them to buy old hoes, planters and garden furniture to re-sale at select garden centers across the country and – here’s the most exciting part – if those gardeners have unusual trees, flowers, shrubs, fruits, or vegetables growing in their gardens that you can’t really get any longer unless you happen to know them, we will offer to take cuttings or collect seeds to turn over to select greenhouses and nurseries to propagate and introduce some of those plants back to the public.
Along the way, we’ll also get to see undiscovered, personal gardens of the Unites States, and maybe Canada, Great Britain, and Europe, and interview real, passionate, quirky, possibly eccentric gardeners.
Oh, and just like how Mike and Frank check in with a “buddy” when they don’t know about something, we’d check in with the closest horticultural school to bring in experts to help with plant identification. Oh, wait, it’s Rick on Pawn Stars who is always calling a buddy in for a second opinion. Well, you get the idea, we’ll invite experts to be on the show to help with plant identification.
Would you watch a show like Garden Pickers? If so, treat the comments like a petition and sign up. Tell your gardening friends. If there is enough interest, who knows? Someone might find themselves on the first episode telling us about their special heirloom tomato or maybe even showing us their old hoe, the one they can’t garden without.
Go ahead, tell the world this could be the next great gardening show.
I like it!
Listen for your phone to ring–I'm sure some cable exec is about to call you!
Pick me up on the way south Carol, I'm your GIRL! Love it!!
Sounds like a winner! And I'll be happy to be a part of the team. I'm always collecting garden-themed stuff.
I would absolutely watch that show!
A wonderful show it would be. I would watch it regularly.
Yes, yes yes!!!! I would watch for sure, but even better would love to tag along and scout out those hidden treasures! What an excellent idea, Carol. I hope this flies high!
I sure would and I would go with you although don't expect me to cross the Atlantic in one of those small, creaky wooden ships that the plant explorers went in. (I have just been reading Joseph Banks diary.)
I would love it. I'll watch any gardening show.
I agree. One does tire of them honing in on old oil cans and motorcycle pieces. They need a little more appeal to the other sex. Why not only gardening tools and planters? Why not old cookware, vintage china, linens, cookbooks? How about" picking" antique roses found in old cemeteries or on the side of the road, the way the Texas Rose Rustlers used to do?
A yes vote here. I like that the show will involve gardening plants, tools, books and ornamental items, etc. Each segment could also include a special guest that is of the area being visited.
Carol, this would be perfect for you with your love of gardening, travel and writing. Go girl.
good job carol, can i go tooooo
Awesome idea! You could make history!(on the History Channel) i'm still waiting to hear about the book you are going to write! Sue
Great idea! A reality gardening show. there aren't any good gardening shows on any more.
Sounds wonderful to me…when does it start?!
As i was watching American Pickers today I was thinking along those same lines..great minds think alike..especially in the gardening world! I've seen neat items they pass up that would look great in a garden decor! Hope your idea takes off!
I think you're on to something, Carol–I would definitely watch it! And I can't think of anyone better to host it than you.
Dear Carol, Brilliant idea!! My husband watches American Pickers all the time, but it doesn't hold my interest. You have solved that problem. P. x
You've got my vote!
I L I K E! You are on to something for sure.
i'm in! sounds great to me. we love american pickers and a garden version would be even better!
I don't have cable, and I never will get it. Internet connections are the best connections. Inexpensive, and under your full control.
I will add Garden Pickers to my current favs, Moonshiners and Gold Rush. It would be a treat to get out of the woods and off the Alaskan hillsides and into warm climate gardens.
I'll have rooted Epiphyllum cuttings when you get here.