Garden fairies here.
We are garden fairies and we have some upsetting news to share with the good readers of this blog.
Please be sitting down and perhaps holding on to a little stuffed animal or a favored pet so when we tell you, you won’t be alone.
Do you remember a few weeks ago when it snowed here at May Dreams Gardens? In the middle of April. On the 16th we think it was? It was quite cold there for a while, and apparently, it was the exact wrong time for it to be that cold because…
Oh dear. How do we put this gently?
We are garden fairies, we will just put it out there.
The cold weather froze the crabapple blooms and they are not going to open. They’ve been frozen as dark pink buds for two weeks now.
Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly says he hasn’t seen this happen before. He thinks the buds will eventually turn brown and just fall off.
Normally, they would turn a soft pink as they opened and then turn white as they fell to the ground where we garden fairies would gather them up as fast as we could.
Those white petals make the best clothes for the garden fairies.
Here’s a picture from another year to show you.

Oh dear. We are garden fairies and we think this means no new clothes for us this year. What shall we do? We are aware that some people think we have too many new clothes each year but that’s because we make all the flowers bloom. We deserve the new clothes after all our hard work!
We are not like some people, namely Carol, who wear the same clothes from year to year to year to year. There are reports from Seedy and Soddy that she has some T-shirts from the “aughts” that she still wears out in the garden.
Can you believe it? The “aughts”!
And Granny ‘Gus’ McGarden, who takes care of the vegetable garden cathedral, says she’s seen Carol recently wear T-shirts from the 90’s. The 90’s! There is one in particular with gardening tools on it that Carol still wears for special occasions, but we garden fairies haven’t seen it for a while because the special occasions seem to be when she is invited to talk about gardening tools to garden clubs and such, and we garden fairies are not generally invited to those events.
As if we’d cause trouble. We would behave! We are garden fairies.
Anyway, just as Sweetpea MorningGlory was about to make do with last year’s outfits, she spied the new magnolia in bloom.

“Woot, woot”, she shouted. “Those are going to make some fabulous clothes for us garden fairies.”
Well, what do you know? That is good news now, isn’t it? Magnolia ‘Butterflies’ to the rescue.
We garden fairies are going to look spiffy and up to date this summer with new clothes after all.
Carol, on the other hand, is probably going to still wear those same old T-shirts.
Wonder how many petals it would take to make her a flower petal shirt? Way too many!
Submitted by:
Violet Greenpea MayDreams, Chief Scribe and Best Dressed Garden Fairy at May Dreams Gardens
Thank goodness for the magnolia!!
Frost killing the buds is the reason I have no forsythia in my yard anymore. My neighbor's shrubs look pitiful. Kinda glad everything is holding back here as it is still cold at night.
I love the Magnolia!
I absolutely adore the magnolia! My father has one of the most beautiful setups using magnolia that I've seen.
Happiness is a magnificent Magnolia outfit.
HA!! I can SO relate to wearing the old t-shirts! It's really quite embarrassing to think how long I've had them! I'm glad I'm not the only one!! The gardem fairies in my yard must be side-splitting with laughter that another spring has arrived and "here she comes again"!😁
Sorry Garden Fairies but I am with the old t-shirt – soft, comfortable and made just right for working in the garden! I am sorry the crabapple froze however! It has been a rough year all over!
Bummer! My crabapple is in full bloom. Would the Garden Fairies like me to collect a bunch of the flowers and send them their way? What a delightful post. I wish I had Garden Fairies instead of my trolls!
My "guest photographer" saw a yellow magnolia in binghamton, New York and had never seen one (neither have I). And now I get to see one in person!!
We have lots of apply blossoms and double cherry blossoms right now, if your fairies still need clothes.