Garden fairies here!
We are garden fairies and we would like to share the exciting news that Carol found a box of “garden fairy” items in the garage, so she decided to set them out in the garden in various and sundry places.
We are somewhat pleased but feel like there is room for improvement.
For example, there isn’t much color in the setup above. We hope Carol gets something with a little color to add to it, and we believe those two little “pineapple” things should be up closer to the door.
And what’s with that gnome? We are garden fairies, and we generally do not like to see gnomes in our gardens, but we are going to keep an open mind about it for now.
The other really good news is there was a big downpour of rain and everything in the “fairy gardens” stayed in place.
Why are we putting “fairy garden” in quotes? Because we are garden fairies and we want to do that.
Elsewhere in the garden, Carol put some other “garden fairy” items around the crabapple tree.

All this stuff came from some little kit she bought last year at Aldi of all places. Carol does like to go down that one aisle in Aldi where they have stuff no one knows they need until they see it in that aisle. We are garden fairies and we will not divulge all the items she has purchased through the years from that aisle, but did she really need a bird feeder that looks like a picnic table?
Yes. She did, and we are proud of her for admitting that she needed it and buying it right away. She has learned that if you see something in that magical aisle that you need, you should not hesitate to buy it because if you leave and then go back, it will likely no longer be there.
Anyway, clearly, Carol thought she needed these “fairy garden” items, too, and we didn’t even need to prompt her. We are garden fairies!
While we do like how this one is more colorful, we are not of like mind on the statue of the garden fairy. Honoria and Hortense think it is a poor representation of a garden fairy. But Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly says they all look like that and we are garden fairies, we really don’t we want people to know what we really look like because that might make us easier to find in a garden.
So we will let it stand.
I hope you all agree that this is exciting news. We look forward to seeing if Carol adds anything to these little “fairy gardens,” and we wonder if people will see at least the one “fairy garden” when they walk down the sidewalk because if you know where to look, THERE IT IS.
The second one is only visible from the front walkway.
We are garden fairies. We will continue to watch and advise on any additions to these “fairy gardens!”
Submitted by:
Violet GreenPea MayDreams, Chief Scribe and “Fairy Garden” Spotter at May Dreams Gardens
Your garden fairies are very bossy, as my mother would have said, but I like their attitudes!
It’s funny, but my garden fairies have been extra vocal lately also. But that’s probably because I forced them to move into a new location. It’s a much nicer location, but try to tell them that!