Garden fairies here.
We are garden fairies and we have decided to save this blog from extinction. It has been a week since Carol posted anything. A week. Seven days.
What does Carol do all day?
We are garden fairies and we cannot begin to tell you what Carol does all day.
We have noticed that she spent considerable time putting landscape fabric down in the paths of the Vegetable Garden Cathedral. We aren’t sure we like the looks of it, but it is sure lots better to look at than the weeds it is covering up.
Word is that Carol hasn’t decided if she is putting anything on top of the landscape fabric or just plans to leave it be. For now, we think she will just leave it be and decide something in the spring.
The spring? What does she think this is? The end of the gardening season? And now all the stuff she didn’t do in the garden, that she promised she was going to do, can just wait until spring?
We are garden fairies and we do not plan for that to happen. We ordered nearly 1,000 bulbs which are going to show up in early October, we think, and won’t Carol be surprised when she sees all of them? Bags and bags of them.
Most of them aren’t really bulbs, though. They are crocus corms. We want to see more crocuses in the lawn so we ordered more because we know squirrels ate some and well, it just wouldn’t be spring without crocuses in the lawn, now would it?
Which reminds us. We pushed up some autumn crocuses the other day. Or maybe they are colchicums. We are garden fairies, we don’t care what they are we just think they are pretty and a nice surprise in the fall when people don’t expect blooms like those.
Now we are trying to figure out where the other autumn crocuses are, or maybe they are colchicums, so we can push them up out of the ground, too. We looked in the usual places and haven’t found them yet, but it is still late summer so there is time.
Yes, there is time, lovely gardeners, to do quite a bit in your gardens before the snow flies. So hop to it. Plant some shrubs. Some trees. Lots of bulbs. Pull out those spent annuals in those containers and put in some nice flowering cabbages and pansies and violas. We are garden fairies and we love violas so if you plant some, we will be sure to visit.
Just do us a favor. Use the time in fall, ALL OF IT, to do as much in your gardens as you possibly can.
Thank you.
Submitted by:
Violet SweetPea Maydreams, Chief Scribe and Chairperson of the Crocus Commitee at May Dreams GArdens
Can't wait to see the fall crocus in my garden. Lucky you to have some already.
They are colchicums, to be sure. Autumn crocus are closer to a blue-violet, not a pinky-lavender.
Thank you, Carol's garden fairies, for reminding me to order crocus bulbs ASAP. Each year when spring arrives I lament that I don't have enough crocuses. Thanks again for the prompt. P. x
Thanks for saving this blog Garden Fairies. It deserves to be saved. ~~Dee